Trying VRChat’s “new features” (that should’ve been added YEARS ago…)

Right so, before I start I want to give a quick explanation. Two things actually, both related to Jero (of course).
1. I’ve been still trying to work out what days (or times a week or month) in my head of when exactly I feel like coming on and seeing him, but I also want to make it completely fair for Kovo, Nova and the others (if they want to play a game with me). So I tried
asking Kovo if he could tell me what him and Nova are going to do. But after yesterday when I saw all of them (on my Steam friends list) doing a raid in Destiny 2, that isn’t really going to work out.
And honestly, when do I ever, truly “hang out” with them when they don’t really play the games I like playing? Infact they’re bored with 7 Days to Die. So, why not just say to Kovo exactly when I feel like playing VRChat with Jero? And if he wants to play something
else, I will. That would be on his call. I just feel better doing it like this.

2. A few nights ago I wanted to hang out with Jero in VRChat, but I wasn’t sure. Kovo later told me Jero was in the call and I hopped in.
Turned out, it was actually a good thing I didn’t join him in VRChat. He was streaming the game, and he was in one of those nightclubs. When I first started watching the stream he said there were 70 people in it. At its peak, 80. Geezus! Mibit also joined him. They asked me if I still wanted to join.
I looked at my computer and said…

Pretty sure its answer was a resounding “NO”. Can’t say I blame it.

Finally, so far in my life of playing VRChat I’ve now had two otters wanting to invite me to the main otter server. The second one came from one called ‘Spoon Head’ (or just
called ‘Spoon’ for short).

Anyway, yesterday I was trying out the ‘new features’ the (remaining) VRChat devs have added (that should’ve been added years ago). However the way they added them, only people that used mods for months on end would understand what they do. ..They aren’t exactly user friendly for people that never used them.
NOTE: There are some ‘VR Only’ features the below pictures do not show. So the images are mainly for Desktop users, that VR users can use too.

I’ll go over them one by one;

Top row used to be something I would only use for specific reasons. It essentially overwrites what instance type your homeworld will be when you log into your account. So say you don’t mind your friends joining you when you log in. You can set it to be a Friends only or Friends+ homeworld.
I typically keep it as Invite+ or Friends only.

The one to the right is something I’ve personally never used (as I don’t mind others cloning any public avatar I’m using). But that’s basically it in a nutshell.

The bottom one is something I’ve only used a few times. It’s for the assholes that drop a portal behind you (or you accidentally going through a portal a world creator had
placed) and you go to that world without knowing. Instead, it prompts you if you wish to go to ‘world here’, to help prevent you from accidental portals you didn’t tend to go through.

Top two bars, as the name implies are performance helpers. Say you join a world
with 50+ people. You can adjust these bars to only show avatars that are around you instead of the game loading everyone’s avatars at the same time.
But I’ve got to say, I really like how they also have that second bar for you to say “ok, this world has an X amount of people. Hide them but don’t hide if it falls below this threshold.” …Chillout needs this feature. Like fuck, that would be SO useful in The Madcat.

The ‘Limit Particles’ one helps with FPS.

Finally, the feature most (except myself as I don’t really give a fuck how I look
in 4K) people have wanted for a long time; being able to adjust all mirrors to be a certain resolution. This is half performance and half personal taste. Now this also affects the personal mirror (yes, they added that too).

Going to be honest here, I wasn’t sure the purpose this here served. But after being told what it does… I actually do feel Tupper felt sorry for the large number of people who are disabled, who play the game. While this doesn’t help the deaf, this helps people who cannot (or do not wish to) speak. People with broken mics, is a good example.

This I never really used, but it’s mainly for people with really small avatars. It adjusts your viewpoint so you can see your hands better (if I’m right on that).
Moving to the Volume/Mic settings, there’s two new features here.

Best way to describe the new bar below the Mic Output Volume, is to ‘think Discord’. Just think Discord, because this is literally that feature.

This is something that Chillout just can’t seem to get right. So it’s nice to have control over the falloff when you’re in a world with large crowds.
Finally, we move to portal placing. There’s an unfinished feature.

Now THIS is nice! Wish they had this a long time ago. Insanely useful in public or
even Friends+ instances when you want to have some.. uwu time with your partner, or to get a distressed friend out of the instance in order to better help them (and you don’t want anyone following you).
Hopefully they’ll get this working soon.

The only thing they haven’t added (that I hope they will), is a JoinNotifier feature. Chillout had this since Day 1. Come on VRChat! Add it!

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