He misses us so much yet won’t come to Chillout

Typing this while once again playing 7 Days to Die on my solo save. But one thing keeps rubbing me the wrong way that I can’t shake it off. And of course it’s more ‘Jero drama’. Though it’s more on him of what he one day seemed to be doing.
Five days ago, we were all in the call (most of us were playing 7 Days to Die on Jusper’s server for the first time since I gave Jusper the save to do so). Jero comes into the call and I’m trying to focus on the game, but see him and I’m all “Jero!!” (excited to see him as always). I don’t remember what he said or what we said, but what I do is him questioning himself if he “can stream this”. This grabbed my curiosity of just was so interesting he wanted to show us… and it was him in VRChat, trying to show off this otter
I tried to hold my opinion of what he was doing in there and tried to focus back on the game. Half of me really wished I didn’t click that stream, hearing him being snuggled by everyone. Then Kovo and Nova were called to go raid in Destiny 2, which they did. So it was me and Jusper (being on his save now). Mibit shows up and I hear them having fun there, which depresses me a bit (wishing I was there.. if it wasn’t for what happened that I don’t wish to go over ever again as I’m done discussing that). He then joins the call due to his mic not picking up things. Jusper at this point is starting to become annoyed
by ‘people joining the call and playing their game and talking while we’re playing ours’. I explained that they’re friends of mine.

What really hurts my soul the most was later on, when I see Jero asleep while still streaming and looking at a mirror. It brought back fond memories of being with him when he did this, trying to get him to wake up and go to bed normally. ..Ugh DAMNIT, VRChat devs!! You fuckers are using Jero against me! Trying to guilt trip me in coming back to be with him! ..It’s not fucking fair!

The next day, Jero joins again. This time he doesn’t stream and just says “I miss you guys!” I said “I miss you too, but we’re staying in Chillout”. He says “I know I can’t force
you!” (sounding very upset and disappointed) then says it again, how he misses us so much. Then he talks about “coming home” and the rest I forgot what it was. But he left and didn’t come back.
And since then I just can’t stop thinking about it. I want him to just focus on Chillout more. But Chillout (as it stands now), just doesn’t have what he’s ‘looking for’. He’s into the night clubs, and any location that would have lots of people in it. And Chillout just doesn’t have that capacity right now. They never really did.
Plus Chillout… sucks without him being there. It keeps clouding my mind, and recently I swear I can almost hear him say to me “how long can you keep this up? You know you can’t handle life without me, and believe me it’s been very hard to live life without you. Look I don’t like what they did, but being without you is even worse. I am willing to live without mods for my friends. Why can’t you do the same for me? Just one time? I cannot be forced to join a platform I’m not used to.”
*sighs* Is it VRChat’s doing, or is it me? Just because one person stays out isn’t going to harm them. And I would only be doing it for my friends. That’s how most of my friends who still play VRChat, to this day, feel. That and they don’t care about everything that happened. There’s also those people who are all “ehh, whatever. VRChat always said mods are against their ToS. That’s why I’m still able to play.”
Jero also told me noone really talks about what happened anymore. So this is on me t
hen, and my stubbornness to understand ‘going back’ is the only way to show I’m willing to be there for my friends.. not for VRChat itself. The VRChat devs (as a whole) shouldn’t be the deciding factor if I’m able to see my friends. …That decision is mine and mine alone. The devs will never undo EAC, but it is good they are finally (even though it’s a bit

He never actually said that, but I feel that’s how he feels. …I just, I want a guarantee if I do come back, I will not be crashed. And you know my opinion when it comes to avatar stealing. Infact, if you’re an avatar stealer who works for Ripperstore (or someone that ‘bought’ my avatar), you better not be prancing around in my Drex (like “lololol look what I did”) with my friends around. They will let me know, and you will have a bad time. Trust me. That is not a threat. ..So, think twice before you steal one of my avatars (or the avatar of one of my friends).
*clears throat* Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare anyone that has a kind heart and would never ever do such a thing. But yeah, I’m going to change course and actually “do it for my friends”. Who knows? I might enjoy it.

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