Jero has an (actual) job now / Bluey / OSC Goes Brrrrr is.. “interesting” 😅

Jero has an (actual) job now
Not sure how to start this one, to be honest. Outside of “so Jero has a job now”. But that’s quite pathetic of a way to start a segment. Mmm, whatever I guess.
Anyway, from what he said, it seems he got his ‘old job’ back as one of those people who installs internet service, working with his dad again (which is good). I am very happy for him, aka not having to worry about him being unable to make it financially. But all he seems to care about, is paying me back.
Now you would expect him now working, of me only seeing him on the weekends, being
a ‘problem’ with me. It really isn’t, though. I’ve been preparing myself for this scenario and have zero issue with it. I’m serious.
But what I didn’t prepare myself for, is him being too tired to come on VRChat on the weekend. I based this off of, well, the typical person that works daily. But Jero is not ‘the typical person’. He has severe Insomnia, where he’s either sleeping too much, or hardly sleeping at all (which makes him too tired to hang out with anyone on VRChat). This also doesn’t help when he’s 5 hours ahead of me (and his other American friends). ..Plus his issue that he has trouble trying to be communicative with me, also doesn’t help him.

What worries me, is I’ll never see him on VRChat ever again because of this job he has, and how tired he tends to get. He might become another distant friend I once had. And if that’s the case, then I’m going to have to prepare myself for this as well. But.. well I’ll cross that bridge if it actually happens. I pray it doesn’t. I pray I’m wrong with my thoughts, that he would try what he can to make sure this never happens. And I told him this.
He has revealed last week, that even sometime during the weekends they might call him in. And that’s fine… IF he would work on his freakin’ communication skills.

Two things are going to have to change with him, if he wants this relationship to last. Including one thing I too am going to have to change (about myself).
1. Be more communicative on Sundays and Fridays, by saying “hey Benie, I’m going to be working on the weekend”.
2. Fixing his sleep issues to not ‘use’ sleep as ‘an excuse’ he can’t play VRChat.

And the one thing with me, to… be more patient with him, and beat “he’s not fucking doing this on purpose!!!” into my head. There could be a number of reasons this is happening. I just wish he would tell me, so I won’t have to worry about ‘never seeing him again = having to say goodbye’ as I don’t need a BF that never even comes on Discord as he’s too busy, in my life. …I absolutely hope I never have to go through this.

Bluey, the surprisingly likable ‘kids’ show
Time to talk about something more uplifting after that love drama mess.
Don’t typically talk about TV shows or Movies unless they’re worth watching. This show is definitely worth it. Yet how can a standard kids show that’s typically tailored for preschoolers (to for parents to give their kids something to watch), manage to become one of my favorite shows after binge watching all 141 episodes, spanning three seasons, totally not watching them on LS Media and instead watching them on Disney+ like a good little enjoying paying yet another monthly fee for a streaming service boy?
But you’re also probably curious of how I heard of Bluey. YouTube of course, but it was out of nowhere. Though I originally wasn’t sure about it, it started to grab my interest. But I wanted to watch it with Jero, due to the British-like accent of Australian anthropomorphic cartoon dogs.
I ended up watching it alone, by myself. But literally right after the intro, I started laughing at the dad using Bluey as a piano (playing on his stomach). I was instantly hooked on the show. The wholesomeness of the father’s bond with his kids definitely won me over. It’s amazing that the first episode of the first season got me hooked, and all I wanted to do was watch more episodes. I wanted to see the tearjerker moments I read about in other videos, to see just how they would ‘hit me in the feels’. …They did not disappoint when I started tearing up, watching Bingo be ignored and hearing herself crying. Fucking hell, that cut me like a knife.

So yeah, I absolutely adore this ‘kids’ show, even as a 46 year old. Because I love the humor with the parents spending time with the kids (going along with their crazy imaginations).. to do nearly anything to see their kids smile. I love the tearjerker moments as well, with how powerful their family bonding is.. and wishing I had parents like this when I was growing up.
…I have cried, when Bingo (one of the two kids and one of my favorite characters as she’s so sweet) feels scared and alone in some episodes. A 46 year old, crying while watching a kids show. How absurd, huh? Yet there’s nothing wrong with this.
This is how powerful of a show Bluey is. Because it’s not just for kids, but a teaching tool for parents as well. The show doesn’t try to insult your intelligence. It goes over relatable topics you possibly had when you were growing up, even more sensitive topics you would never EVER expect to be discussed in a kids show: ADHD, abandonment issues, infertility, death, toxic friendships, hangovers, (hinted) miscarriages, not picking favorites when you have two kids, and more. It’s just so good.

And then there’s the humor; the icing on the cake. And some of this humor can fly right by a kid’s head as it’s more adult themed. But, you also got episodes that start kind of slow then suddenly have a surprise ‘guest star’ (who only showed up twice in Season 2 and 3). I’m talking about Unicorse, and my goodness this character is so freakin’ funny.
I found this YouTube short of Unicorse’s best moments. Enjoy.

Aaaaaaaaand… why should I care??” 😂🤣🤣
“Unicorse, what’s your favorite food?” “Children.” “Ohh! 😨” 😆😆😆
The last time I laughed that hard, was the episode ‘Taxi’. It was beautiful too.

So if I haven’t convinced you to check out Bluey on whatever platform you use, I highly suggest you to do so.

OSC Goes Brrrrr is.. “interesting” 😅
Right, this final segment, um.. if you have kids with you while reading this blog post, it’s best to close out the page before I go over the specifics, as this segment is definitely not suitable for children. Trust me. Or at least have them look the other way while you read this.
So hopefully you’ve already X’d out this blog post or whatever you (legally) did with your kids.

*claps once* Right then, for the actual ‘adults’ out there who are reading this, I have some questions for you:
Do you play VRChat? Are you a furry? Do you like to ERP, but can’t really find anyone to have fun with? Do you have toys from Lovesense? If your answer to all four is ‘yes’, then I got a surprise for you.
Your toy can work with a Unity addon called ‘OSC Goes Brrrr’, from the talented
creator (and someone I swore I was friends with in VRChat back in the Best Boi
era): SenkyDragon (or just ‘Senky’ for short, that I usually call ‘Sneky’). But enough of that. It uses a base program called ‘VRCFury’, also made by him.
But anyway, yeah. You can set your toy to vibrate while things happen to your virtual dick in VRChat. Jero has wanted this for a long time, talking how awesome it would be if he got a Lovesense toy and we had virtual sex. And I would love that a lot. But I’m not sure if it would.. work for me over a.. size issue. 😶 He wanted to know for the longest time how it’ll be possible.
Little did I know the answer would come to me, in a very.. awkward way in the form
of Blender joining. There’s a reason why I didn’t really go over this in detail. Anyway, he has this thing that Jero was able to jack and suck his dick and he would feel it IRL. Nearly a month later, I was thinking about this but I felt too embarrassed to ask him. Finally I did and he told me everything, even the toy he uses and the program he uses.
I looked over the program and something caught my eye.. this thing, can respond to an orifice. Almost immediately I started to think about the Jero clones I have, and how I wanted to have lewd versions of them. If what I’m seeing is true… dear god, I would
never ‘need’ Jero for ‘uwu time’ ever again. Of course a doll will never, ever replace the real thing.

But there’s something I needed to know– is this even possible with non-avatars that are attached to you that can be spawned? I asked Blender, while also knowing he likely wouldn’t know as he’s probably never done this before, and sure enough it was the
So, that was it. There’s no way I’ll ever know as this is a GitHub page, and the dev usually doesn’t have a way to contact them to ask.. until I saw ‘Need help? Join the VRCFury Discord’. Wonderful! They have a discord server that I can ask in!
Joined and was able to get access to their NSFW channels about VRCFury and the other projects, and I asked my question. I never got an answer, but that night I saw Senky saying he would be “answering all unanswered questions tomorrow”. This gave me hope I would get a response.
And sure enough, when I woke up and turned my computer on, he had responded to me as well. And his answer is YES, it is possible!!
Oh man, the things I could do. The poses I could come up with. Yet something’s stopping me from going gung ho on this. And that’s remembering the hell I went through to get
the Jero clones to work the way I want them. Plus, the unfamiliarity of the forced VRCCC.
I might also have to be forced, to go back to the VRChat Discord incase VRChat’s updates broke everything I’ve done.
Just doesn’t feel ‘worth it’, going through that hell again. Especially if what I’ve
learned, what I’ve been taught back then, no longer works anymore and I’ll have to start from scratch (and it’s even more difficult). …That would suck.

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