The Fairly OddJero / I want to meet Ferret’s avatar coder! / Never ‘love’ severe weather.. / Why I actually feel thankful for my computer

The Fairly OddJero
…Please don’t sue me, Nickelodeon, or Disney, or whoever owns the rights to the show with a similar title of this gag blog post title. It’s to be seen as a gag and is not to be used for anything else. Thank you.
With that out of the way, the reason why I made this title is Jero’s been spending time with other friends a lot more than normal. However I’m not even sure if I can even call
this ‘normal’ as he’s likely been doing this for awhile, but usually he tells me he’s “with the otter group”. Recently he’s been telling me he was “with a friend” instead.
So what’s odd about this is me and him where talking about random things. He had sent me something that apparently made him horny (where he was saying “bite me
daddy”). Was a bit awkward but funny at the same time.
At the end I said I was going to strap in and would be on soon, and how I was testing things in JeroWorks 3.0 first. I was hoping he’d join, but the only one that wanted to
join (three times) was Draconianate, who was obviously lonely and wanted attention. But I was busy and had no time for him.
Anyway, like I said Jero never joined. After doing the testing I needed, I went to LS Media to watch the rest of DragonBall Super. Wanted to watch the rest with Jero like we did the night before, but he wanted to be with friends. So I ended up just letting him and was able to see all of Season 1 of that show.
After that was done, I decided to go see what Jero was up to. He wasn’t in a Public instance like he typically is, but in a Friends+ one: called ‘Ferret’s Photo’s’. Hmm. Interesting title for a world. Went there.
It was literally a world with photos. No mirror, just photos. Cool idea. Also I remember meeting a person named ‘Ferret224’ (Jero introduced me to them). So anyway, I looked at the various pictures he took (mainly of locations and friends). Eventually saw three people in the distance. Jero (one of them) comes up to me.. walking sideways. Um dude, heh. Your avatar is broken! He was quite aware, saying he was using his feet trackers but his hip tracker still needed charging. And there’s no way to switch out of FBT (even though the new IK 2.0 system has a button for this) unless you completely close out VRChat. But Jero did his best to fight through the broken mess to stay there as Ferret did a tour of his photos, with me apparently being the one he was doing the tours for.
I want to meet Ferret’s avatar coder!
The tour was reaching its conclusion and Ferret was showing us his pictures of all
the times he was in the world of Furality 2000, Luma and others. But I got to say what really blew my mind was his pictures of Furality Legends. Okay, not bad for a $15 ticket to see things like this (still wouldn’t pay to join a world though).
He also showed something that really interested me; able to make a weapon through particles and then grab it as if it’s an object in the world. He said he “knows how it works but not how it was made”. He kept mentioning the name of the coder that did it, but I forgot the name.
So why did it interest me? It serves no purpose for JeroWorks in its current setup. Especially with how he was able to switch the grab point to a part of his body. I just found it really cool. I could find uses for it. Like making a bat with the words “NO HORNY’ on the side.. that I can smack Kovo with. Hahahaha.

I’m sure though if I ask enough, I’ll find out how it was done via the VRChat Discord. They helped me achieve something some don’t know how to do (grabbing the pose).
Before the tour was done, Ferret wanted us to check out a world he made that was “stolen by vikings” (he says), called ‘Viking Great Hall’. The story of the world is he originally made it for two people to get married in VRChat. However the marriage didn’t go as planned (I didn’t ask him what happened by the way, but he “didn’t want to go into
detail”) and he assumed the world would disappear (memory wise). But someone came up to him.. who is an actual Viking (and apparently lives quite close to Jero) and wanted to repurpose the world (but wanted Ferret to make changes to it). And this is what he met by it “was stolen by vikings”.
Before we left though, he stopped suddenly and said “that’s thunder. ..I heard thunder”. He had storms approaching his house, and he talks about how he “loves the sound of thunder”. I was going to respectfully disagree with him with how I feel, but what I didn’t know is karma will do that for me.

In the world. Was pretty cool. Ferret showed us around, having us click various things and watching what happens. There was this one time where I had to speak up about a global reset button for props, but Ferret feels it wasn’t needed with how he’s never seen trolls enter the world.
Never ‘love’ severe weather.. for karma will bite you in the tail
Ferret was going over this artwork of what actual vikings used back in the day. Damn
man, you should make a fucking Museum of Natural History with how well you do this! It really impressed me he went out of his way to do this. Then he talked about this glitch he did of the settings window of this world being behind one of the pictures.
Suddenly he stops talking. I wasn’t aware of this until the others started saying “oh
no Ferret crashed!” They started asking eachother “this is the first time I’ve seen Ferret crash”. I stepped in saying “maybe not a crash but something else”.
A few of them had Ferret on their phone , and it seems I was right: he ‘crashed’ from the storms that knocked out his power. Not to toot my own horn but “ha-HA! That’s what you get for loving severe weather!” ..Though, there’s loving, and there’s also “being respectful of Mother Nature’s fury”. And I’m sure Ferret is.
Jero (who also has Ferret on his phone) says Ferret “hears sirens”. Oh shit. I decided to check Radarscope and saw two Tornado Warnings east of Kansas City. So if he hears sirens, he’s likely somewhere there. But from what I saw, thankfully (for Ferret) it was rotating in the clouds but not on the ground. So, ‘radar indicated’ (and we had a small discussion over this).
Jero asked if Ferret “could see it”. “No”, I quickly said. “Not at 1 in the morning anyway.”
We all didn’t really know what to do at that point. With Ferret gone due to a power
outage, all we could do is wait. Jero then gets another text from Ferret, that his power won’t be on until 3 in the morning. They all freak out thinking it’s going to be hours. Um you guys know what ‘time zones’ is? I said “relax, that means he’ll be back on in two hours.”
Jero then asks me if I wanted to go to another world. Felt that’s kind of wrong
leaving Ferret’s friends behind like this, but ehh. Pretty sure he already knows this and feels it won’t be a problem. So we head to LS Media to totally not re-watch Season 1 again.
Why I actually feel thankful for my computer
We restart on Episode 11 of Dragon Ball Super. Did my best to resist the temptation to say things like “watch this” and act like I haven’t watched it yet. We were in the process of watching Episode 13 when VRCX said ‘jeromeah has gone offline’. I said “ohh no” then looked over on my left and.. he was still here?? WHA–?! He walked around to show he was still there. Started thinking it might be my internet connection, yet my ping was
fine (bouncing around 40-50). He felt his connection would die soon, but we just kept watching. Then at 4am I saw him stiff as if I had an object next to me of his avatar. He messages me on Discord with “……”, then a few seconds later he leaves. ..FUCK!! I checked his next message of him saying “guess who joined the no power party”. Dag nabit!
Says the reason for the outage was an “electric key ran out of credit”, and “that Alienware is verry power hungry”.
Makes me thankful for my computer. I dunno how many amps mine takes but damn. He should’ve done the math then to make sure he could afford the power draw. But I get it if he was hyped to get a new system, wasn’t thinking.
Though I kept watching (now Season 2) until I was interrupted by my mother at 4:58 in the morning. She wanted me to let the cat in and I did, and decided to just turn everything off.

I might have to contact catboy again about JeroWorks. At a complete loss of what could be the reason why.. whatever doesn’t like my idea of having some of the poses on the ground instead of floating in the air. I dunno if it’s World Constraint, the framework, or Unity itself.
But I do have an idea that might work.

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