Kovo giving Nova another chance / Mibit wants to date my son?!

In today’s pre-post, about four days ago I twisted my right knee or something. I fear it might’ve been due to the way I propped up my leg when I was in VR, because I remember it hurting but I assume it was nothing really to worry about.
Well not being able to walk right, definitely is a problem. Hopefully I’ll be alright with time. I’ve had this happen before, but.. never like this.
So this is yet another reason why I’m not in VRChat (boredom still being the main one).
Kovo giving Nova another chance despite Nova starting treatment
I saw this happening a mile away, but I was hoping Kovo would be smart this time. Clearly not. Infact he’s even calling her “honey” again. Yes, really. But I wasn’t aware of this until later on yesterday sometime after I joined the call.
Earlier in the afternoon, Kovo was messaging me on Telegram. He tells me Nova’s under Prozac now… hoo boy. Still remember when I was in school, when I was recommended the same thing. My grandmother (who was alive at the time), told my mother to not put me on it; that it’ll mess my head up. It’s very potent, which is why the therapist told Nova to only take half of the pill for one week. Yes.. half of the pill, spread out through the week.
That just tells you how potent Prozac is. Wow.
On top of that, she’s told to go back 6 weeks to see how her depression’s going, and they could bump up the dosage if this isn’t helping.

Kovo then wandered if her depression is the only thing wrong with her. That’s true, it’s not. But after telling him that depression might cause most of what she’s going
through (and then showing proof by doing a quick Google search), he was pretty blown away from what I found as he doesn’t really know much about depression himself.

So the evening came. I saw Wufy on and thought of joining just to bug him about clicking cookies. But my headphones didn’t make trolling him so easy. Could had sworn they were on when I put them on my ears, but clearly it wasn’t. And when I finally heard them through the headphone speakers instead of my desktop’s, all I said was “Yes”.
And also my trolling attempt was unsuccessful as Wufy was unphased by it. Damn. 😛
Later that night, Nova was going to bed. I heard Kovo say “honey”. ..Oh boy. I better intervene here and give him a wake-up call.
He knows he’s “a fool” and “being a dumbass” for saying this, but can’t help it. And all he said was “guess we’ll see what happens”. I wished him luck. Literally all I can do.
Mibit wants to date my son?!
That’s not the only thing Kovo said. Much earlier that day (before this whole thing with Nova), he told me Mibit is “going to ask out Jero”. He can try, but my son’s not going to agree to it.
Half of me though wants to ‘warn’ Jero of this (with the numerous “what if’s” going through my head), but the other half says “nah, your son knows how to handle it. He’ll let Mibit down gently. Don’t be worried about it. You’re not going to lose him. Relax.” And this second side is what I’ve been doing my best to focus on.

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