My thoughts of the Las Vegas shooting…

There’s been a lot of chaos happening in real life recently. The three hurricanes in one month was one thing, and now a guy with no known reason (not a white supremacist, an ISIS follower, not showing any hate to anyone… gunning down innocent people from a hotel room overlooking a outdoor country concert in Las Vegas.
These people had no where to hide. It was a free shooting gallery for this guy. I could feel the confusion and fear, with them initially thinking it was just fireworks..only for it to turn into gunfire. They had no idea where it was coming from! …..Those poor people.
Hearing stories of survivors and their bravery of trying everything they could think of to protect others from harm, brought me to tears. Yet later on, I felt “meh, this is the norm. Happens all the time.” This is a normal response to have, yet it also doesn’t solve the problem here. I could have a friend or a loved one shot and killed by one of these mass shootings, and demand retribution for their death (just like the families of the victims).

We may never know what caused this guy (a billionaire from winning in Las Vegas) to snap the way he did. Was he drunk? Did he feel the human race is a parasite and must be wiped from the Earth?
Hopefully the motive for this senseless act will be known, soon.

And as to what could be done, gun control is still on the table. The fact he had powerful weapons (even some that can pierce through body armor), we definitely do need stricter gun control.
The thing is, this guy showed no signs that he was going to do this (and bought the guns legally). It was ‘easy’ before: denying weapons to people with a criminal past (and/or disturbed individuals with an intent to kill lots of people), but this is another headache for congress to deal with. Infact, I feel this could come close to infringing on the 2nd Amendment (the right to arm ourselves in order to protect our families and property).
I mean sure, if I was in this situation, I would be extremely upset, saying “I don’t care, just DO SOMETHING!!”

Though I have some questions, such as…how in the hell did he manage to get all of those guns up to him of that hotel room? Was no one paying attention to the number of suitcases going to the guy?!
And how is it legal to have high caliber weapons in a hotel?! Someone clearly wasn’t doing their job, and I dearly hope the FBI looks into this. I feel this could’ve been stopped, if people were paying attention.
Just because the guy showed no desire to mass kill…someone’s going to be fired in that hotel. Mark my words.

Also, I can only pray this makes our Clown in Chief, get his head out of his ass, put down the phone to stop tweeting, and lead the way he was elected to do. His words of this tragic event, really felt good to me. He showed that he cared about others instead of himself, and we need this as a president.
This is his chance to finally “Make America Great Again”. I’m actually tired of laughing at him, and hearing about how bad the Left is.

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