Why I’m not sure of what to do (video wise)

So, been getting quite a lot of emails of where’s the next mini-playthough. And my honest answer is…I don’t know if it’s worth doing it anymore.
I mean, it was fun back then. ESO was shit (to me) back then, and the videos gave me something fun and challenging to do. I almost felt like a true Youtuber. Yet I didn’t care for subscribers like most (if not all) other Youtubers out there. I just enjoyed doing it. I enjoyed getting the word out for bad games.

But recently, I began to lose interest. Mainly since last month. Guess I was getting bored with video games in general; bored that I can never find a game I like (and don’t shit on it because it made me bored due to over-playing it).

Another thing is I’m completely fed up of the 30 minute limit. I feel if I just had more time, I could make a much more enjoyable video. I would had loved to do a GTA5 Online video of me just messing around. Yet I would need a lot of recording time as that game is unpredictable. More time means I would be able to have the good parts, and remove the boring parts.
The problem is, there could be more boring parts than good parts, and take away the time I need for the good parts. And I only have 30 minutes to record…something, be it all boring or mostly boring and some good. Very frustrating.

There’s also another thing that’s uninteresting me. And that is Tulsi, my only subscriber to my second channel. He won’t watch my videos. One time I tried to get him to comment of one of my latest videos, and he just didn’t really seem that interested (or went AFK and never came back).

So…why bother anymore? And he makes it even more harsh by saying “im your only subscriber”. Remember when I said I didn’t care about subscribers? Yet what I would care for, is some “good work, keep it up” compliments. That’s all, people. That’s all I want. Just some support that you guys (and gals) like what I’m doing.

And…until I get it, I don’t think I’m going to be doing another video for awhile (if ever). If that comes to pass, I won’t remove the videos I’ve done. There’s no need for that. I just, won’t be doing any more.

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