A touchy subject that I tend to avoid like the plague…

Now seeing political ads in my state of Indiana, I think it’s time to talk about something I tend to steer clear from. And that’s politics.

Now I’m an Independent. As in, I vote for no one. Because whoever they get in is going to be a career politician. But now, the 2016 Presidential election is troubling to say the least.
We got a businessman, who’s also an insane wall-builder(Trump). We got a typical career politician(Cruz)(who seems to be the only one to stop the businessman). And lastly we got the underdog who’s seems to be fairly popular(Kasick).

And then we got the Democrats. First, Ms “honestly, I don’t know where those files went!” (Hillary). And Mr “I will give Americans all of these things for free…I just won’t tell them they have to pay for them via their taxes!”. Mr ‘FeelTheBern’.

As an Independent, I get to go with either party. Yet I haven’t voted in over a decade. Used to be able to vote, but it expired on me. I understand I can re-establish my right to vote, yet why bother? To “have a voice”, has no meaning in this corrupted “greed makes the world go ’round” country I live in. And if I had the means, I would had moved to Canada and said “FUCK YOU!!” to both parties! Because it seems moving to Canada is the only option to ‘vote for no one’.

But I haven’t gone over my opinions of the candidates yet. Though that’s such a touchy subject in this day and age; with being attacked or worse…shot to death for having an opinion that’s different than someone else’s. But, I might as well start here.

Am I against Trump? Yes. Yes I am. He’s going to be a very serious problem if he becomes president. Of course, most of my feelings against Trump were influenced by the media. But it’s also the way he acts, especially against disabled people (like that reporter). He doesn’t feel like ‘President material’ to me. He acts like a businessman (and an unfunny clown), and has literally brainwashed his supporters into attacking anyone against him.
I’m sure you’ve seen all of the media reports of Trump’s rallies, of a random protester being beaten black and blue over being against him.

But Cruz, he’s …. I don’t want another career politician as the President either! I’ll admit, Trump was actually right for calling him ‘Lyin’ Ted’. This is why I don’t even bother with voting. Because no matter who I vote for, someone I hate will get in.

But… in order to keep Trump out of the White House, I’m literally forced to vote for Cruz. As the commercial that I just saw went, the math doesn’t lie. Indiana’s Primary is May 3rd. I will…support Cruz. But ONLY to keep Trump out! I refuse to go any further than that.
What kills me is everytime a presidential hopeful wins a state, they’re all “Thank you, (state here)!! I will never forget you!” I call BS. As soon as they win the presidency, they’ll forget alllll about those delegates, and it’ll be ‘business as usual’.

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