Update: I’m still sick. :P

Today is officially one week since I got sick. My sore throat is pretty much gone. All I have left is an inflated head (stopped-up ears/stuffy nose/lightheadedness/occasional sinus pain) and coughing/congestion. Typical headcold.

It seems everything I try to take isn’t helping to ease the symptoms. Am I worried? No. I remember having similar symptoms before when I had occasional sinus infections. They always went away without any drugs in about a month. Though sometimes I had to go up to the Doctor and have my ears flushed out with water. Had it done twice. It both hurts and feels wild at the same time, especially afterwards when I’m suffering from severe dizziness; feels like the entire room is spinning and I’m going to faint at any second.
But when it fades, I feel better and it literally flushes my head to get rid of all of that mucus.

I’ve been spending my sick time watching Youtube videos; mainly of Vanoss and his many friends. They tend to play Gmod a lot, and also four of its popular mods; ‘Prop Hunt’, ‘Hide & Seek’, ‘Deathrun’, and (recently)’Guess Who’. They also play GTA Online, Dead Realm(that some of them helped to make the game), and… I think that’s pretty much all the games they currently play.
They’re really funny, and I recommend you all watch their hijinks(and also subscribe to all of their channels). Though it’s also bad when sometimes I laugh so hard that I can’t stop coughing.

So yeah. That’s what I’ve been doing. This Friday (during ‘Winter Storm Jonas’ as The Weather Channel calls it), I think I should feel good enough to restart my recording. And the next game I believe will be sent to me (that’s being delayed by the weather), is Knack. Going to be an interesting mini-playthough.
EDIT: Due to issues with the audio somehow being longer than the video (and other related issues), I’m delaying the recording for tomorrow.
I don’t know what happened, but I believe I know how to prevent it from happening. It’ll be done by tomorrow. I’d do it tonight, but it’s much too late (parents are sleeping).

EDIT2: I just got some emails, some of you are looking forward to tomorrow’s video. Again, I’m sorry I couldn’t do it today. I wanted to get it done, yet some reason when I stopped the recording after doing my outro and threw both parts in SHAREfactory, Audacity’s recording didn’t match up with the two parts; even after removing the initial delay before I start doing my intro. I just couldn’t figure it out. It was bogging my mind.
So I have no choice but to try again, but this time I need to watch my timer very closely (got it set to 29:59) and then stop it. An initial test of this was successful, and then I discovered the game has subtitles. And it’s kind of a rule for a video to have subtitles of the game they’re showing (for the hard of hearing). Also, it’s the right thing to do.

The other emails ask “Are you going to do videos of games you’ve reviewed in the past, but never did a video for”. That answer is No. It would defeat the suggestion you guys gave me of having initial reaction videos. I do see from some of you, that my earlier reviews (that didn’t have a review) aren’t as helpful as my current ones. For that I apologize, but it was the reason I started doing the videos.

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