More important things to worry about than love…

I was hoping this issue would go away on its own, but sadly it doesn’t work like that with what I’m going through. So I have to pause trying to get Jero to talk about his past love, as this is far more important. Yet it also feels really embarrassing as the thing that ails me could had been easily prevented.
*facepalm* I’m… talking about my damn teeth here. That same song and dance. The very teeth I actually need to chew food are now severely hurting. Of course extraction of the teeth is going to be needed (especially when there’s five teeth that need to be pulled, and they’re all abscessed).
And that’s not the worst of it. The first three teeth (in the right back side of my mouth which are causing the most pain) are the only ones I’m able to chew food with. So it’s likely.. every single one of my teeth will have to be pulled in order for me to get dentures.

They claim they have done this procedure multiple times, but my mother fills my head with someone she knew who died from a blood clot of getting dentures (even though that was many, many years ago.. and surely technology has gotten a lot better to greatly minimize (if not eliminate) the risk).
Only thing that worries me is after they get them all (would assume they’ll slowly yank each and every one of them out in succession to get them all at the same time), is how are they going to stop the (obvious) bleeding that’ll come afterwards? Plus they tell me they have to do some sort of cast in my mouth to make the dentures fit, then they told me I would have to wear them in my mouth for a few days (to stop the bleeding).
So how are they going to get the cast done, when my gums are going to be showering in blood? Yes they’re going to sew my gums to close out the holes my teeth were in, but that alone isn’t going to stop the bleeding (which typically takes 4+ days of replacing gauze pads).

And I believe I asked them if they could gas me (so I can fall asleep during the operation to make it a lot more comfortable on me), but they said my insurance doesn’t cover it (and they’ll have to use the standard.. needle to numb the nerves and me having to hold my jaw open for hours so they can work).
So, I got an appointment for Monday at 10:30 in the morning. Mother says there’s a chance I might have to contact Uber to take me up there. There’s also a 50/50 chance they’ll either send me to the drug store to get antibiotics (to drain the abscess in the teeth which will kill the pain) and schedule a new appointment about a week or two later to get the teeth out, or tell me “they need to come out now” (which is what happened the last time, and that was over two years ago).
Honestly I’m surprised they lasted this long. But I also fear the fact I waited this long is going to be really, really bad for me. But maybe I’ll luck out (like all the times before) and have them literally save my life by getting the troubled teeth out of my mouth.

The pain has been making it really difficult to communicate with friends on and outside of VRChat. Even typing with a friend during a ‘flare up’ can render me unable to do anything but wince in pain until it subsides (and drool all over myself holding a finger to my gums in hopes to temporarily numb the pain). Even doing something as simple as typing this blog post can be impossible when in that much pain.
I’ve been trying mouthwash, with limited success. The fluoride in it helps to somewhat numb the pain. I’m also taking some pain killers called ‘Anacin’ (mother claims they help them with pain), but for some reason it’s not really helping me. I’ll try to take some before I go to bed and see if I can get a better night’s sleep.

But before Monday, we have severe weather to go through tomorrow and the
weekend; multiple bow echos are supposed to push through, each one of them running a moderate to high risk of losing power. What’s bad about this initial wave, is models are showing by either 5-7pm is when it’ll move through (around the time I go to Burger
King– so getting the exact timing is CRITICAL for me). Other models (from other stations), show the line moving through by 9pm.
Tornadoes aren’t an issue for my area, but it’s going to be the frequent lighting that is scaring me. I’m going to have to get done and rush home before the bow gets close enough.

EDIT: It’s now the next day, and it seems the pills helped (still feel a little to some pain and throbbing here and there, but compared to the morning before where I didn’t think I could eat breakfast as I was in SO much pain.. a lot better).
Though I was awakened by my mother about my teeth and how I would have to pay for the gas to get up there. She also tells me that if they have to take me up there again, it’ll have to wait ’till July 1st. Told her I cannot guarantee this, but I would try to see if they’ll be willing to work with me.
But if the pills manage to keep the pain at a tolerable level, I might just cancel the appointment (as mother says they’ve been fine for years, and I really don’t want to have to go up there). Infact before I called, I was hesitating so much.

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