Bad weather today / He tries, but my will is strong / Mic issues / “Heard U wanna upgrade, let me help you!”

Lots and lots of things to talk about. First, an upcoming severe weather event this afternoon (far more important than anything else listed in the title).
Bad weather today
To start this off, something of a concern coming this afternoon. Currently we’re under an Enhanced risk of severe weather (and for good reason). Saw this coming since the last severe event.
Tornadoes are likely, but I don’t feel we’ll be seeing another March 2nd event. The fuel is there, it’s red, but it’s not insane. And I think what might save us is a low dew point. Right now (as of 12:45pm), it’s at 57*. If it went up to the 70’s, we’d be fucked. If it stays low, this will lessen the fuel the storms have to play with.
And this is all coming from watching WHAS11. It’s amazing how much I’ve learned from watching FOX41 (where Marc Weinberg keeps trying to hammer this really awesome and fun to learn weather science in our heads). Especially how he uses the ‘car scenario’ of explaining how storms are like car engines, saying that if you put bad fuel in it, it isn’t going to go far.
This is why I’m not overly concerned, but definitely something that I’m continuing to monitor.
EDIT: Dodged the bullet again! Twice the power tried to go out, and one time there was a tornado warning in central Clark. Winds have calmed down, and there’s occasional showers.
He tries, but my will is strong
With that said, it’s time to talk about what happened yesterday. Blueberry’s
friend (Aftershock, a once close friend of Creepery) friended and asked me some simple questions: “do you like blueberry, and as a friend?” And I said Yes to both. Said it was
just “watching out for him”. Then it warns me that blueberry has been known to make people gay. Told it that my will (my straight arrow) is made out of of a material stronger than the strongest material on the planet.
Said it was aware, and wishes me luck. But I don’t need luck, for my stubbornness is actually my friend of blocking any attempt of ‘bending’ the arrow.
Now I tried to hang out with blueberry yesterday evening, but he told me that Aftershock wants to spend time with him. I had no objection. Possible that it was a bit jealous I was hanging out with blueberry so much. And they’re not the only one. Went to another world to hang out with friends, Scooby was there, who was also a bit jealous (where he thought blueberry and I were a couple).
He even said “that’s good”. Here I was jealous of him and BlueDrago being a couple. Told him that really close friends don’t have to be in a relationship to love eachother, and a friend that was with me and him agreed. Scooby acted like he was unsure of it.

Much, much later (into the morning hours, nearly 6 in the morning), Blueberry tells me how I’m “slowly turning gay” (yet also kidding). I gave him the same thing I told Aftershock, and he said “arrows bend eventually”. He also claims that he too was
straight, but after playing VRChat, he turned gay.
…I’m not. My stubbornness isn’t going to allow it. 😛 You cannot break me. Don’t even try. Rivers and Angry who tried to convince me to change my life, couldn’t break me. So why would this?
Mic issues (and why I’m getting annoyed by the complaints)
A small thing, but a thing that’s really been getting on my nerves. My clip-on mic is unfortunately really sensitive, where it keeps trying to transmit my voice.. yet it picks up everything else, including my father listening to his TV (who likes it really loud).
Most people say they hear a fan, or hear static. Sometimes muting and unmuting the mic fixes it, yet the complaints continue.
Someone told me to try a headset over my VR headset, yet I seriously doubt that’s going to help; it’s just another microphone.

The only thing I can think of, it’s the HDMI extender causing the static. But just like the mic, there’s nothing I can do about it! GET OFF MY BACK!! If you want I’ll go mute, that way you won’t hear anything from me! I can’t fucking help with my setup! I don’t have a way I can disable the mic outside of VRChat, nor is there a way to set the Microphone Boost in Windows (to make it less sensitive).
All I can try to do is set the mic volume to 10% (like I had it before with my table top
mic) and see if that helps. If not… *disappointed shrug*
“Heard U wanna upgrade, let me help you!”
Final news of yesterday, is possibly the BEST news this year. While I was waiting in a private world for blueberry to be free, Zagrosect surprisingly calls me. I thought it was going to be another lecture of how I’m not using my common sense, as someone had reported someone else illegally recording people’s personal conversations… but it was different.
He said he was trying to contact me for the past two days, yet I never saw anything from him. So he told me that he knows a guy who’s managing to give him some good PC
parts.. and guess who’s he’s giving them to? ME! 😀 It’s a Core i7, with a Micro-ATX board. Best of all, it’s DDR-3, so I can use my existing RAM! I also can use my existing air
cooler, with him telling me that I should not have any major issues with overheating!

First, he has to run some diagnostics on the parts. If they pass, then next month is likely he’ll be shipping the parts to me, so I can finally upgrade my computer.. but he said to not hold my breath, as the guy may decide to bail out at the last moment.
Holy fuck though, if everything goes to plan!! 😀 He said it wouldn’t cost me anything, but something about donating a “reasonably-sized SSD”, which I definitely should. Hell, the man would have my forever gratitude.

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