PS4 video test PASSED with flying colors!

“This was a triumph!”
“60fps(yet in 720p)…. HUGE SUCCESS!”
“it’s hard to overstate my satisfaction…”
“Rocket Leeeeeague.”
“I fail bad, because, I suck.”
“But it’s fuuuuny beeee-cause, I get to watch myself fail! :)”
“Look at me still blogging, when there’s new videos to do.”
“Yet is right around.. the corner..” Fuck! I fail at singing too!

*clears throat* Riiiight. Anyway, I got done watching the test. It processed within 19 minutes after uploading (which was about the same time as the upload took). It looks really, really good. Frames were pretty solid. Sound was solid. Really awesome capture card, Sony. Maybe that’s where the $400 went to when I got it.
The only thing I was against, was I had no option to get it in 1020p. I looked around Youtube trying to find something, yet they were out of date with old menus (dating back to 2013).

But anyway, this great luck opens the gates to my Games blog’s alternative way to do reviews (hopefully without the threat of some company claiming I’m trying to make money off their product(s)).

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