Two days until ‘’ / Game Video Idea

I don’t know why I’ve been so anxious to get this ‘renaming’ of the site done. I guess I’ll feel better when it’s done. Only two days to go, though.
I feel September 5th of every year, feels like a perfect time to do this. Even if I’m short in August of.. say next year, I’ll be guaranteed to have $60 to give to Arvixe.

I also had an idea since watching 8-Bit Gaming’s “Super Mario Maker” playthroughs of the ’10 Mario Challenge’. By the way, really fun game. But god I wish I could use it on my Android phone(though I doubt it’ll be compatible). It’s only for the Wii U(which sucks). But this has been Nintendo’s typical fashion of only having their Mario-based games on Nintendo consoles(even during and after their breakup with Sony).

Anyway, the idea. Thought of doing private videos on Youtube, yet providing a link to them. This way I could actually do videos, and not worry about copywrite claims(as I won’t be making money from them). I could do a Super Mario 64 playthrough using an emulator.
Another thought I had, is using Twitch and broadcast my screen (but do so privately). Then link the videos there. I could do my “Benie Fails At…” series. Play some Rocket League from my PS4, and actually do proper reviews on my Games blog.

I’ll need to look into both options. Though the first, would require me to have recording and editing software. The second.. hopefully, I can just use my screen(s) as a webcam. As long as I have an option to do it privately, I shouldn’t(emphasis on “shouldn’t”) have to worry about Nintendo suing my ass (and my balls).

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