GW2: The ‘free’ 24 slot BoA Bag – “please allow several WEEKS for delivery”

Yesterday, I was planning to dedicate getting the ‘Medicine’ and whatever else I need, to work on eventually getting a Skyscale mount of my own. But my own fear of my outflow fan dying on me, kept me from doing so.
But anyway, I felt thankful that Kovo, Nova and Vale were playing the game. They managed to get into Orr, and both Kovo and Nova are Level 80 now. They just haven’t defeated Zhaitan (yet), but they’re getting close.
And they (as in ArenaNet) seem to have added some things since I made my way
to Level 80. There’s more waypoints then I remember, and Vale believes they extended the story. But he also feels the entire story is ‘rushed’.
That and, apparently I’m the only one that was in the call, that actually likes Trahearne as a character? Hmm. I mean sure, he didn’t care when Tybalt died, but.. we can’t grieve when there’s still a war going on against a powerful Elder Dragon with an endless army.

Anyway, I was watching Vale’s stream of the game, when the GW2 Discord grabbed my attention of an announcement. I saw something about a free bag. I assumed it was that thing they were going to do of giving us more bag slots. ..Instead it was them pushing a bag that can be used by all of your chars. I originally thought, this meant a replacement of the starter backpack. It wasn’t.
But you can get this 24 slot bag for free.. if you sign up to their newsletter. I went over their notes, and checked out their link to it, and noticed these words

“please allow several weeks for delivery”
I’m sorry, ArenaNet. I have to stop you there. Did.. did you say, several WEEKS?!?! Several weeks, to get an ingame item? You’re KIDDING, RIGHT?!? Gems, I can understand they take awhile because you guys don’t trust computers to auto process these Gem requests. But an ingame item… requires, us to wait, several weeks?! Are.. you insane?

Plus I have to get ingame to do this, which means risking the fan dying. But, I did it anyway. And I did what they asked. And after I opted into their newsletters.. I got the bag a lot quicker than ‘several weeks’. So, clearly that’s gotta be a troll.. so I unsubscribed to said newsletters, and still had the bag. Happy for that.
Also happy I finally have a bag that has four extra slots. I’m actually tempted to try my hand at the Black Lion Trading Company and see if I can’t get some bigger bags. Anything to avoid having to deal with that dreaded ‘You are Encumbered!’.

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