VRC+ gifting has a (personal) problem / Spoon really wants to see me and Jero meet IRL

VRC+ gifting has a (personal) problem
Woo, first blog post of 2023. Honestly I’m over that crap. It’s just another year that I hope my body will let me stay alive long enough to see the next one.
With me it’s already starting with pure frustration that I can’t use this fucking worthless to me Steam Deck to watch movies in ANY movie world, not just LSMedia.

First off, yes. First blog post of 2023. But.. I wanna say, there is a problem with
the VRC+ gifting system. Now I have no proof that someone has (yet again) gifted me this as an attempt to troll after seeing my ‘VRC+ is a cash grab’ status (knowing I’ll have a rough month explaining to my friends that I got trolled for said status and I really don’t care for the service), or did it to be nice (as a New Years ‘Secret Santa’, since the person that gifted me it wasn’t even in the world).. there is still a problem here.
And that problem, is there’s no true way to decline the troll bait/good gesture. Trying
to ‘X out’ doesn’t actually work. And so I’m stuck with it.
And I really have no words. There’s really nothing I can say that I haven’t already said (a million times) about the VRChat Team’s highly controversial business practices that they really should be held accountable for (but likely never will as they’re “too big to

And no, I’m not trying to cause drama over if the team ‘deserves’ the money or not. This has nothing to do with it. It’s about a (possibly intended) broken system that makes
the giftee stuck with a month of VRC+ they never fucking wanted!!
“Why are you bitching when you’re not paying for it? The gifter is the one that pays
the $10 to gift it to you,” you’re likely asking. And that’s fine, but you’re missing the point here.
This is similar to gifting a game in Steam. You as the gifter pay for the game and then send it to the giftee. The giftee can either accept said gift or turn it down. If they turn it
down, you get a refund. And that is that.
…But when it comes to VRC+ gifting, the giftee. has no option. at all. to say “no thank you but I refuse to support a corrupted company by receiving pointless bells and whistles that should’ve been free in the first place”.
No. They are stuck with it for a month, if they like it or not. And for me, this is bad. All this does is open up the flood gates to friends trolling the fuck out of me, calling me a liar that I went back on my own words.
When I was gifted this in the past, was before EAC. There was nothing in my bio showing I had it. Now… I ‘can’t hide it’. It’s right there for anyone to contradict my status. And all anyone can say is “well, change your status then if you don’t want people to troll you”. That’s like being told to stop using my first amendment rights (Freedom of Speech). But they’re also not wrong as well. ..It would end the trolling.

Thing is, it doesn’t happen that frequently to really be an issue to change my status to something else (in a desperate attempt to stop the trolling).
All I ask is this broken system to be fixed, that I can turn down a VRC+ gift. Only that would stop the trolling, in my eyes. Shove the $10 back in their face and say “nice try to ruin my reputation, asshole”. But again, the person also could be doing it just to be
nice. Maybe they thought I “haven’t experienced VRC+”.

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