Living World Season 4… the BEST season so far, hands down

I can actually see ArenaNet improving how they’ve designed their game through
these Living World seasons, and the expansions. And I have to say, Season 4.. gold star for excellence. It really moved me. Not to mention, teamwork, is what saves Tyria from evil. Not a soloer. There is, no way I would had gotten this far without my team.
And holy fuck.. ArenaNet, give a raise to the teams behind the AAA style cinematics!! They are amazing. The facial features, the lipsync, the animations. It was beautiful and unbelievably lifelike. I just can’t believe this came from a Living World season. It felt like a full priced DLC. Reminded me of the way WoW did theirs.

The season was all about bringing down the asshole trickster Joko, and the very hard to spell their name Elder Dragon (that I think was inspired by Skyrim): Kralkatorrik (or
just ‘Kralk’ for short). And it turns out, the reason it’s so powerful.. was because of ME. Me and my thirst to solo everything I see.
It’s clear as they say, that actions have consequences. Especially when Kralk is known to be unkillable. But it’s also not really your fault for ‘not knowing’. However, it’s your job to fix your mess, before Tyria disappears.

This is also when ‘your’ whelp, now starting to grow up, shines. Due to spoilers I won’t explain what happened. But it put me on a crazier rollercoaster than the DLC did.
After the defeat of Kralkatorrik, Arene is now fully grown up and has become an Elder Dragon herself. Except, thanks to your love and bravery in the face of annihilation, she’s
a good Elder Dragon, who only wants Tyria to thrive and prosper. Though two
remaining Elder Dragons remain: Primordus and Jormag, they are both dormant.
For now, Tyria is safe (from any magical dragon attacks).

I’ve been called back to the Black Citadel to discuss a diplomatic matter, which is part of the next Living World season (though it’s actually called The Icebrood Saga. It’s the prequel to the End of Dragons DLC).
However, I managed to sneak out and went back to Dragonfall for a very
important reason.. I want that dragon mount!! I don’t care what hell I go through or how long it takes. Yet, I question if it’s even worth going for. When I first was able to use a borrowed Skyscale and trying to learn its controls, the game never taught me about this flight distance bar that absolutely feels dumb and was only an attempt to ‘balance’ the mount.
What I mean by this, is when it happened and I didn’t know what was going on, I assumed it was either a height limit (which didn’t make sense as I’ve seen people fly much higher than sea level), and it also wouldn’t make sense if it was a thing where the ‘air is thin’. Not at fucking sea level!! And this mount honestly feels like a fucked up bastard child of
a Springer and a Glider, having limits on height just like that mount, but can glide just like
the Glider. And the funny thing is, both of these have understandable, logical limitations.
…This one, feels it was shoehorned in. Yet people are OK with this, being told “you’ll get used to it eventually”. ..Maybe, but not now.

Fortunately, there is a Mastery tree with the mount once you acquire it. And the last one is the one I want, called ‘Wall Launch’. When your Skyscale grips a wall, you can hold down Spacebar to recharge the flight stamina bar, but only to 66%. And it costs Endurance. And I’m glad that ArenaNet actually has kindness and didn’t put any ridiculously long 30 second to 1 minute cooldowns with this (like the one that fills the bar to 50% though the Crystal Champion Mastery tree).
But I need 11 Mastery Points to unlock the entire tree (and a lot of XP) to get my hands on it. Feel like I should focus on acquiring all of those Mastery Points first. …But according to the GW2 Discord, Masteries are the same as Achievements. And I can already feel a headache forming. But, it’s also good I’m ‘not fucked’ for not putting these mastery points in the right place. Glad that’s not an issue.
If only there was a way to check my achievements, offline. Like through a 3rd party app.

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