When ArenaNet helps, but you still feel burned

I dunno if I’m going to keep playing after what happened with this really bad purchase of gems I made. Basically, last night I was told in the unofficial GW2 Discord to ask in their support, and they might give me “a partial refund”. And I thought, hopefully that means real world money to undo this fuckup I made (or even better, give me the 4,000 Gems I need to unlock the rest of the seasons).
Made a ticket and waited until this afternoon. At least on the bright side I managed to change my account email (finally). As for this issue, they told me “sorry, but we can’t refund your money. All we can tell you is that you purchase the complete package of Living World Season 2, and we will refund any remaining gems to your account”. And that’s exactly what they did.
Infact, the actual price of the full season is 1,280 Gems. I got a ‘discount’ for purchasing the first episode, and they gave me back 400 Gems to cover the cost. So, that’s it. That’s all they’re going to do for me. Ok, I guess I should be happy you gave me back the gems I fucked up with, but 440 isn’t going to be enough to get the other seasons.
I don’t feel OK with this, ArenaNet. I still feel cheated. And before you ask “why”, because I wanted all the seasons. Not just Season 2 and that’s it!! But, it’s also not their fault I didn’t know the only way to get all the seasons is through the Black Lion Trading Company. Right? ..No, it’s not the fault, of their support team. They did all they could for
me. They’re not at fault, by any means. I should be lucky they didn’t try to fuck me. I actually got a decent deal out of it, getting 440 Gems remaining (plus unlocking all
of Living World Season 2).
It’s the fault of the devs for not making this more clear, that 1,600 was not going to be enough. …If they had just added a second button on the Story page, that showed you could get the entire season for X amount of Gems, none of this would had ever been an issue.
But the fact they allow you to purchase the individual seasons, which is even more expensive than just getting the entire season.
Take Season 2 for example (the most expensive of the five). Costs 1,280 Gems if you buy the complete season. Yet unlocking all the episodes individually, would cost you 1,600 Gems.
Why, is purchasing the individual episodes, 320 more gems than getting the complete pack?! …If this doesn’t scream out “scummy business practices”, I don’t know what
does. It’s also funny, that 1,600 Gems is the exact amount of what you get for $20. So, now you see why I am PISSED!! I’m pissed, they allow this. I’m pissed, they’re OK with screwing people over like this who are thinking 200 Gems will unlock the entire
season (and their support team has to bail them out).
They take advantage, of the idiotic. Yet people still play, and they still give money to them. Because they’re not idiots, like me. And they also don’t mind grinding their asses off to get enough gold for Gems.
And the best way they could fix that, is adding a simple button in the Story page when viewing the Living World seasons, that shows you can buy each individual season
for 960 Gems each. It would solve this issue. Or at least, make the cost of gems comparable to buying each episode separately.

EDIT: I have since… caved and decided to hand them an additional $35 (I hope they choke on it) to get 2,800 Gems. With the extra 440 Gems, it was more than enough to pay for the remaining Living World seasons.
Now that I have everything, the issue is ‘fixed’ (for me at least). …But I still don’t feel like playing. Not after all the stress I went through. *sighs* I just keep being reminded, if I had just.. not ‘wanted’ to know the damn lore between the DLCs, I would had done
what Nappie suggested and wait until I completed End of Dragons. He claims I would get a ton of gold from that one, and convert the gold into Gems. But he also mentions crafting and selling finished goods to other players, which.. I’ve never done in this game. Only in WoW.
Why? Because I’m tired of looting things, fearing I’ll eventually see the dreaded ‘You are
Encumbered!’ warning that gets stuck on my screen, until I get to a Merchant and clear out my inventory.
Back in WoW, I used to have a mount that had a trader which came with it. And I could just sell my shit even if I’m in the middle of nowhere. But GW2 doesn’t have any cool utility mounts like that. They have passes that have a two week expiration date.
…And don’t get me started with how unbelievably limited the Bank is!!

However I read that next month, there are changes coming to inventory. It was actually supposed to come today, but due to an issue it’s been delayed to December 10th. Something about “increasing the maximum number of bag slots available per
character” (yet not explaining how many), and an additional 40% off on extra bag slots (through the Gem store of course, but they also state a limit of 2 per account).
I hope this means FREE extra bag slots. I already have a few 20 slot bags from doing
these DLCs that I cannot use, as my bag slots are full.

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