Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood require dailies to advance questline

I feel like I was robbed, doing a quest to help the Thieves Guild to get this mercenary group off their backs, and then suddenly it’s like someone reached into my quest journal and stole the questline when I wasn’t looking..because now it’s reduced to dailies being the only way to get skill with the guild.
I went to the Guildmaster, and they’re launching an investigation in what happened to the questline. One of them got a lead it might be the evil company named “Zenimax” that robbed me of a continuing questline. Unfortunately the investigation has gone cold, with another telling me it’s likely nothing I can do.

And as much as I wish someone would preform The Black Sacrament on the company (and I get a kill contract from The Dark Brotherhood), there really is nothing I can do.
The dailies alone are starting to get on my nerves. One is “go to these towns and pickpocket…even though you already have been to these same towns”, another is “be a nice person and retrieve this item.. even though you’ve already retrieved the item a day ago.”
And then finally, there are the “steal these items and avoid detection before time runs out, and if you kill someone or get spotted, you lose time” Heist dailies. These ‘Heists’ are the worst of all. They should had called them “Thief Challenges”..because that’s all they are. Anything that has ‘before time runs out’ is a turn-off for me. I refuse to be rushed (and judged for not being fast enough).

So I’ve gone back to The Dark Brotherhood, yet I feel both guilds have the same quest structure (they aren’t like the Mages and Fighters Guilds, apparently).

EDIT: Yep.. I was right. Now these ‘Killer for Hire’ dailies are also repeating themselves. Plus, I just did this area I did a day ago and fucked up not knowing how to handle it (and even having to call for help)… yet they aren’t the same two targets. It’s the same place, but not the same targets as before.
I asked in Zone chat in a shocked and annoyed tone: “So, the only way to advance the questline on both the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood…is to do dailies (until I get to the next level of these guilds)?” And I get a very disturbing “yep”. Disturbing as in ‘HOW IN THE FUCK CAN YOU LIVE WITH THIS BULLSHIT?! Dailies should NOT be used to gate content FFS!!’
COME ON!! Fighter’s Guild, you gain XP from… well, killing mobs. And the Mages Guild, you get them from finding books. Both, work with what you normally do. These…these are only in specific locations (instead of part of the world). Plus, they’re just like dailies from WoW! Even one who has the fucking NERVE to say “come back tomorrow” to me.

What really slays me, is stealing items and fencing them gains skill with the Thieves Guild…yet you don’t gain Dark Brotherhood skill from killing innocents with the Blade of Woe. To gate the questline behind dailies is one thing, but to not give options to level the skill outside of them? That’s messed up, ZOS.

I really feel burned by this. IMO, you have got to be a special breed of human to feel this bullshit is acceptable. There’s just no way in the bowels of hell, I’m the only one pissed off (or was after the releases of the DLCs in 2015/16) about this. People were pissed off over Morrowind not being included in ESO+ (that I felt I was the tiny 0.01% minority that was pissed about that), so surely they were pissed (at a time) over this. Yet ZOS did nothing (and this clearly proves it). And I bet just like Morrowind, the debate over it was 70/30 (in favor of the “we’re adults, we know what hard work means”) people.
Now, I’m an adult too (even though I never act like one) and I don’t feel this is right. Dailies, should only be optional content to give the player something to do while doing the main content… not -as- the main content. Doing the same thing, again and again (and having it happen the same way everytime), is repetitive. Of course so is life, but this is a video game we’re talking about god damnit! Video games are supposed to be there to ESCAPE the grinding of a job in real life, not fucking imitate it (aka Wurm Online)!!
Why people (and especially video game companies) can’t see it like this, is beyond me. If I wanted to play a life simulator, I got The Sims to do that (and it does it quite well(in its silly “aww.. do you gotta pee?! Then STOP FUCKING PLAYING GUITAR AND GO PEE!!” way)).

*sigh*…I dunno what I’m going to do now. Quitting will do nothing (instead of leaving me bored and knowing all I got left is Wurm again). Guess I’ll just do zone questlines ’till I hit Level 50 and then do the main questline (or do them and wait ’till it’s time to deal with Molag Bal(for the 3rd time)).
“But Benie, the main questline is grinding too! You’ve already done it twice” you might say, and you would be right in that regard. But at least the main questline isn’t the same quest, or the same area..every. fucking. time. Heard when it comes to the Dark Brotherhood alone (and since the Thieves Guild uses the same questing structure, I would assume both are affected) that there’s 4-8 random ‘dungeons’ that are used. So either ZOS is deliberately trolling me (as when it comes to the Black Sacrament, I keep getting the “I propose a challenge” one), or I’m getting a ‘bad roll’.
The ‘I propose a challenge’ thing, takes me to a multiple route cave. I originally thought this was just some initiation and then I would get the good stuff. Yet I’m being told to go here again, and kill two different people. This has to be, the LAZIEST excuse of a daily I have ever seen in my life as a gamer!
I get that done, and go do a few kill contracts. Come back, and there’s another Black Sacrament one for me. Felt like “finally, something new!”…same. fucking. location..different. people. to kill.

*eye twitching INTENSIFIES*
*sticks up middle finger at quest, everyone in the room, and leaves while holding finger at every player I see*
If I may barrow a line from Mister Joe Vargas(aka Angry Joe as he’s named on Youtube)..
Zenimax? “You DONE FUCKED IT UP!!!”

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