Maybe.. I was wrong of the truth of Slime Rancher

First off, I’m only doing this to get you barbarians off my back about how wrong I was with my review of Slime Rancher. Hey, I may roleplay as a dragon, but I’m still a human just like all of you. We all make mistakes. Now, put the torches and pitchforks away. Let’s settle this.
With that said, it takes a man to admit they’re wrong. But it takes a bigger man to admit they’re wrong with what they believe in. And I believe in solid gameplay. And ‘solid gameplay’ to me, is one with a backstory. “Nuuu Slime Rancher doesn’t NEED a backstory!” I was told.

And, that may be true. But just hear me out (as I said in my review). Every video game has to start somewhere. Every video game has to describe who the player character is, how the player character got to where the first scene of the game starts, what their purpose is, and especially… any relationships to (or from) the player character.
This ‘Casey’ person, obviously there was some romantic relationship going on between the two. And really, I don’t even care if they were gay or lesbian.

Flipping to the other side of the coin, I can also see how a proper backstory could be seen as ‘red tape’ over a very charming, silly, fun (yet also self-challenging) game of trying to maximize your profits in the most efficient manner possible (by collecting slime crap). I…I get that. Slime Rancher by all means, is not a bad game. Heck, it’s a really fun game, that anyone could get into. It just starts off really slow, but once you bust some Gordos and access the secret areas to collect the more rare slimes, you’ll be swimming in Newbucks. That’s the real fun (and challenge) out of it, as you also have to balance food supply amongst all of your captive slimes, of who gets fed first.
For a game that’s all about slimes eating and shitting, I really enjoy it.

So there you go. Though remember, what I said is my opinion. And as a reviewer, I’m entitled to it (as you folks are entitled to yours).

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