More changes coming to my videos/reviews

Yes, yes.. another “changes coming” post. But this is a good one. You can see the post in the General Blog right here if you wish to know what this is about.

Basically, I won’t be doing video reviews anymore. Instead, they’ll be called a ‘PS4 Mini-Playthough’. I’ll do the video before I write my blog post.
As for the posts, the titles will be changed. No more “Game Name – Witty title”. It will now be changed to ‘Game Name – Review’.

The content of the post will also be revised greatly. It will be based on my mini-playthrough. No more several paragraphs(or “‘Youtuber name here’ played it”). The new format will be this;
Info of game(very little changes expected here).
Main Character.
Side Characters.
Final Review(I’ll be revising my ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ to ‘What I like’ and ‘What I don’t like’).

Basically, I want to make my reviews ‘oh so serious’, but it will still be super bias against the developers/publishers if need be. Note that these changes will not affect past videos and reviews, only current ones(as that would be way… way too much work and not really worth it).

There’s one last change. You guys probably won’t see it(and hopefully the process will go through without having to change video links), but I’ll be moving my videos over to a second channel; away from my main ‘BenieTheDragon’ channel.
The new channel is called ‘ Videos’. Due to this change, I’ll be able to shorten the titles of my videos.
These changes will go in effect immediately, starting with my latest video which should come sometime today.
I do hope you all enjoy these changes. I know my brain will. I feel I’m better at writing a review than I am explaining it on a video (with only 15 minutes to do it).

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