Why Killzone Shadow Fall might be the final ‘Benie Fails At’

After many… many delays, it’s time to announce the next game I will be doing a ‘Benie Fails At’ on. For those not in the know, ‘Benie Fails At’ is my way of doing a Let’s Play, except the game is faced with several rules that I enforce, such as the game has to be level/chapter based.
The reason it’s called that instead of “Benie Plays”, it would feel like I stole the idea off of Nerdcubed.

But I’ll be frank. I feel this series is in trouble already. I thought I had a plethora of more PS4 games I could do a ‘Benie Fails At’ on. Instead, it’s down to four nominees;
Little Big Planet 3 (doing the main levels only)
The Lego Movie Videogame
Lego Jurassic World
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (This is going to be a toughie, as I don’t know where the main plot quests are.. or even if it’s wise to do them without leveling up my skills first)

What concerns me (with good reason) is these are the only games that I have played, that I know are truly level-based. My only other option is to look for and purchase more level-based games, to give my viewers something to watch.

I could just scrap the whole ‘Benie Fails At’ thing and go with my second idea that I was planning to do; the whole “Benies-Blogs.com PS4 Game Playthrough” thing, or change it to ‘Benies-Blogs.com Let’s Plays’ for something shorter.
Or maybe even ‘Game name here (Title of video) – Part Number – Benies-Blogs.com Let’s Plays”
By doing so would expand the range of games I could play for the PS4.

Actually, I’ll leave it up to you guys. Vote for what you feel I should do. If no votes by next Saturday, I’ll make a decision on my own.

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