[Mayor] rank achieved, but not without lots of drama

So I’m past my 12am bedtime, waiting for Windows Update to install 14 updates. Anyway, yesterday was a good day. I was able to get the 19th build installed.
It’s a pier; different from what I was originally going to plan. But the other one just wouldn’t really work.
I had RedBear help me with the build, as I needed the advice of a good builder of how high to make the pier and how do I put the exit. He helped me with the pillars, and also with a parking lot idea I had for it (to work with the road I had just completed the day before).

And also…there’s Tulsi. This, unfortunately, is the “lots of drama” part in the title.
See, I made him Deputy Mayor as I was kind of desperate to get one, and I thought “what the hell”… but the more I thought about it, the more I felt I had made a bad mistake. That was especially true of how he didn’t know how to help me with a few things.
But it was the 18th build, the day before yesterday, that really started it. It was a campground-style log cabin thing, near the river. I asked Tulsi if he could help me with one of the two planned log cabins. His version was a cube. It was logs as walls, and a flat roof. The interior was a bit good, in my opinion. But if he had just spent more time on the exterior, I think it would had looked a lot better.

I was talking to a member about his build, and showed him it. He’s all “what the hell is this, Benie?” A bit rough on Tulsi. He did try his best, and that’s why I also tried to tell him. But he’s saying he’s going to “kick ass” of the person that told him his cabin sucks… over an opinion. Yes, you heard me right.

I’ve been trying to calm him down, even through yesterday. Especially when I just felt that Tulsi being my Deputy Mayor was a bad idea. Some people told me to pick suppoe, as he helped me with the island. And so I did. That… didn’t really help the “calming down” situation. :/ But I made my decision. And personally, I feel I made the right one this time.
So, incase something was to happen to me (if I (and this is VERY rare) somehow got myself perma’d, or was (unable/didn’t feel like) to come back to the server for months on end), suppoe would have control of my island.

Moving on, I also had to deal with Han’s ‘Nutella’ franchise on my island(and the first franchise that I allowed). He has this open air roof, due to the large palm tree I made. The problem is I felt the Mods might see it as an “unfinished” build, and cause me to not get the rank. So I tried to convince Han to do something about it, even more so after talking to one of the mods (who agreed with me).

Han suggested that I try to cover up the roof with the palm trees I have, scattered around the island. So I tried my best to do so. Though I still don’t feel it’s good enough.
Anyway, I had also spoken to Cortesi (though Mumble) about this. He felt that just giving the roof more of a design (which Han felt actually made it worse) would suffice. Then he started asking me “Have you got another endorsement?” I told him that I still need to build the 20th thing before I try my hand to get Mayorship.

He then asked me for the Town Hall. I showed him and said that lala built it. And apparently… 19 was enough builds. Before I realized, thinking Cortesi was telling me to work on the 20th build, he was handing me his endorsement. When I finally realized, I’m thinking “Oh wow… are you serious?! THANK YOU!! 😀 ” when I saw it.

After dinner, feeling a bit hopeful that the next mod would see what Cortesi saw, I asked _hnt if he could check my town and see if it’s good. He looked, then asked me a few short questions; “Town name”, “You’re a supporter, yes?”, “Who’s the Deputy Mayor?”. And then he announced the following;
“Congratulations to Benie for achieving Mayor status for the town of Soiled Solitude!”. And the first thing I said as Mayor, was “:D”, followed by “Thank you, hnt. :)”

So yeah! I’m a Mayor now!! WOOT!! I’m finally a someone! This is now my second highest rank on the server since [Mod].
I now have access to two more /homes(had 3, now 5…which will definitely come in handy), can build a second town if I wish(no longer confined to my island), and establish rail access with another town.

Tulsi though, feels I got Mayor because of suppoe. *sigh* … He might be right. However, and I’m very thankful for this.. Tulsi’s ‘bank’ franchise didn’t hold me back as I feared.
Do I feel like an ass for kicking Tulsi out of Deputy Mayor? … Yes. Of course I do. But I also wish I never thought of allowing him. I should had picked suppoe from the start, and avoided the drama. But I guess I was hoping with this ‘promotion’ for Tulsi, that he would start to learn how to improve his builds to even have a shot for his own town to be Councillor, or even Mayor like me.
Alas, I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon. Tulsi doesn’t want to believe in himself, and stop thinking everyone’s out to get him.

Thing is, I can also see a lot of Tulsi inside myself. How I don’t even believe in myself. How I keep constantly depending on others to help me when things get rough. Yet, unlike Tulsi, I’m also trying to improve on areas I’m lacking. Such as getting good at curves now. I’ve also greatly improved my building skills from the past. I’m trying to add more shape, and more texture to my builds.
This is what the Mods truly look for; people to put effort into their builds. And really, it’s completely understandable.

The whole “20 builds” thing was pretty much a base. If you build your builds really good, and actually put time and effort into them… you don’t NEED 20 builds. It’s really ‘up to’ 20. But as people have said time and time again, to not worry about the build count. Worry about the effort put into the build.
To look at your own build.. not as a Mod, but as “Hmm… does this look like something I would see in real life?” This is really all the staff ask for. And I guess I’m really just telling myself this.
See, Tulsi feels the mods are too strict for wanting this. But really, they aren’t.

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