Killzone Shadow Fall FINALLY COMPLETED!!!, thoughts

I’ve done the impossible (to me)!! I’ve FINALLY BEATEN Killzone Shadow Fall! 😀
Doing Chapter 7 one more time, using my videos. I thought it just can’t be done. But Part 4 of that chapter has proven it CAN.. even by someone who is shit with their aiming!

And doing Chapter 8 for the first time ever… I thought I’d never see the day. And the first part of Chapter 9 was a bitch (as you guys saw in my Session One videos).
And now, I have finally completed the game (on Easy difficulty, mind you)!

Session Two will still come. I just wanted to play to understand what to do and where to go, to minimize the potential recording times.

Depending if I get pills tomorrow (or they feel they can just go on and get the teeth out now), will determine when (and if) I’m able to start recording. As of this time, it may be possible that the videos could be recorded normally on Wednesday, and uploaded normally on Saturday.
Tomorrow afternoon, around 4pm or so, will be another post which will display when I’m able to record, edit, and publish the videos.

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