Benie Fails At: Killzone Shadow Fall (Chapter 8) Almost done

It’s almost over, guys! Survived Chapter 7. Only a few more chapters and this season is complete!
So, I’ve actually been getting stressed again. Last night I couldn’t sleep. However, I took an Alka Selser and that helped gain it back. The reason I’ve been stressed, is all of these videos I need to do, plus to get a road done on the MRT Server. It was a huge juggle for me.
But thankfully, I remained strong and got these videos uploaded yesterday. Still having annotation issues, and it’s also affecting even my game review videos. Everything I have uploaded recently, the video stops before the actually does.

I don’t know if this is being caused by Sharefactory, my PS4, or an issue with Youtube. Attempting to search for my problem ends in “did you mean ‘You don’t know how to do annotations?'”, aka searching through Google.
I need to report this issue to Youtube. The thing is … I’m really not going to waste my time doing so. The chances of them actually responding to my complaints, are like winning the lottery.
See, I have to go through Google, and their Google Docs system…… yeah. NOT happening. >:/

Anyway, as always, just use the links in the descriptions to help navigate. Better than no navigation at all, hmm? Videos should be up soon. When they are, they’ll be posted here.

Here you go. Enjoy!

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