Latest ‘Benie Fails At’ parts recorded / DERP! / More A8 drama

Latest ‘Benie Fails At’ parts recorded
Yesterday, I finished recording the videos for Halloween. It was the dreaded, unwinnable Chapter 7 (“The Handler”). Do I FINALLY undo my 51 rage-filled deaths, several months ago of my first playthough of Killzone Shadow Fall?
Well… you’ll find out on Halloween at 4pm.

After the recording, I went back to the server to wanting to work on the A8. I worked on a long stretch of A8 that goes through a mountain(tunnel time), and approaches the A850 interchange that I really can’t wait to do. I haven’t done an interchange since back with I-1 on the Old World.

After dinner, I realized I was still on DND on Skype from earlier when I was recording and Tulsi couldn’t bug me (derp!!). So I temporarily set my status to Online. He was Away at the time. I gave him 10 minutes to come back on and say hi. He never did, so I went back to DND and edited parts 1 and 2.
I was doing some sync editing with my vocal audio and the video, having to flip back to Audacity. So I switched my screen back to my second monitor and saw that Tulsi was responding in Skype.

He wanted to learn how to do curves. Told him I was editing and couldn’t help him. So I went back to editing and eventually did get finished and began my render. I then went back to the server.
Suppoe was shockingly still on at this time, saying he was waiting for me all that time. And I’m all “Well someone didn’t tell me…”(Tulsi). He(Tulsi) said that I never told him. I wanted to say “You should know I would want to see suppoe!” but didn’t.

More A8 drama
So, bobberpants was helping with the tunnel I made, with suppoe doing that questionable area.
All the sudden, Han starts PMing me, telling me that “lala is sad”. I had thought it was the fact no one was in Mumble at the time, but it was something a bit… different.
Basically, he’s speaking for lala, who seemed to never have the balls to tell me this before we even started… that A8 is “close to his town”. Lalaboy had from last week.. he could had spoken to frozen over this, to tell me before we even started construction. And NOW he tells me?!?!
WHY IN THE FUCK… is Han speaking for lala?! WHY DIDN’T HE TELL ME THIS SOONER?!?!

Plus, I have Just_robinho breathing down my neck that suppoe’s twisty curve section that frozen wanted done, is not really needed. Suppoe had to defend it, now robin’s going to talk to frozen about this.

Back to Han and I. He told me not to tell lala; to talk to frozen first (as if I knew what to tell him). I ended up telling lala anyway that I’m sorry, but frozen said to do this. He said how it’s not mine or frozen’s faults.
And now Han is mad at me for telling lala first, saying it’s “making him look bad”.
Han, if lala doesn’t have the guts to talk to me directly, then I’m going to assume everything’s OK. But now I have NO fucking choice.. but to postpone construction of A8 until frozen gets back on and tell him this shit.
This is the SECOND fucking time that frozen fucked up when it came to planning a road! The first one was, of course, the first A-Class on the New World. Having to deal with RLcrafters, because the road was crossing over his precious railroad…
This is pretty ironic. Both times involved frozen wanting to plan a road. And both times, I was in charge of building it.

Frozen seems to have a history of doing controversial road planning. Such as back then, and such as now with the A8. But I feel the worst that’ll happen to me, won’t be a warning to either myself or suppoe… but possibly a forced redesign of the road, forcing us to tear up the current sections of A8. Can’t rely on a rollback, as it’s been over a week since construction started.

Personally, I’d rather take a warning to the face (and an extended break from the server) than go through that. I will also, THIS time, be officially done with road construction. It’s nothing but fucking drama that I don’t want to be a part of anymore.
I should know… I caused said drama back in the Old World. Except, it was different from this.

IMPORTANT EDIT: So it seems frozen already knows about lala’s town, and have approached this issue two months ago before the road was planned. Maybe I should give frozen a bit more respect than what I said in here. :/
I also spoke to lala. He said that Han never spoke for him, but he did tell him about it. He also mentioned the true reason why he was forced to be ok with it. He said how he didn’t want to be a “greedy bastard” and claim lots of land. Very relieved to hear this, that it wasn’t because of Han telling him about me.

I’m also relieved that the road project can continue without major alterations. However, the twisty section that suppoe did, frozen didn’t like this and told suppoe that he wanted each direction to be one road, which is what I had said. But both him and Red wanted the road to be literally split in two.
He wasn’t happy about it, as to be expected. Thankfully, all we have to do is just remove one of the two roads. So we’re going to remove the outer roads. Just have to terraform where the old roads were to hide the land scarring.

Hopefully, NO more fucking drama over the A8! I’m so tired of this. I just want to do my job and build it, and not answer for something that frozen said was OK.

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