The Stanley Parable; the Half-Life 2 mod, now its own game on Steam

What started as the one of the best Half-Life 2 mods ever made, is now its own game. The Stanley Parable is a game, based off of choice.. or is it? Maybe, you’re just playing into the narrator’s evil plot. The mod version was very simple. You moved through rooms, pushing buttons… as if you were told to. Who’s really in charge of the gameplay? You? .. Or the narrator?

For years, you’ve been Worker # 427; codenamed “Stanley”, doing the same job, day after day, week after week… but one day, everything changes. No job comes up, and all of your co-workers have disappeared. You really have no point in life that isn’t related to your job, since you love it so much. It’s up to you, to search for your missing co-workers. Just be careful what door you go through…

The game has no true plot. It has no ending. It’s just you, wondering forever, and slowly going insane at the same time due to being all alone with a voice from the unknown in your head.
Some say that graphics make a game good. This thing, dismisses that claim and gives you the true thing for a good game; the story!
Because without a story, the game has no meaning; no point. That is, unless you can build stuff (aka a Sandbox).

Going back to the actual game. Even the achievements.. oh my god, they are hilarious. One, to go outside and not play the game for 5 years. I don’t think I’ll be alive that long.
Another one, telling you to play the game and beat it on a Tuesday. How in the hell would that be achievable? Still, I would try it.

Currently until October 23rd (the release date of Space Engineers) it’s on sale for $11.99. That’s three bucks off the original price. Not much of a savings, I’ll admit. But still… how can you say no to an awesome and sometimes hilarious narrative-driven story like this?

People like Raphael did. Don’t be like him. Get this game. NOW! NOW, DAMNIT!!

PS… the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never…….

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