Riding Skyscales …I’m SO CLOSE, but FUCK YOU, ARENANET!!!

Finally, I made it to the home stretch. It’s been over a week. All I have to do, is get parts for the saddle. And the mount, will be MINE!!
I was pumped and ready. Thought, all I need is 35 gold and finally I’ll be OVER this hellhole!! Watched the video, and… stopped short when I saw this list.

Oh. my. God. And you know what’s worse? Only two of these, can actually be farmed as ore. The rest, can only be purchased though Volatile Magic vendors (for 5 a day), doing heart quests, or completing ‘Return to (Zone name here)’ achievements.
ArenaNet had ‘saved’ the worst for last, for the final collection: ore that you can’t even farm.
The only other ‘get this done quickly’ option that’s been given to me, is to “use alts”. And I do not want to be forced to do this. I only make alts for fun or to experiment with other
classes, not for requirements like this. But I’m just supposed to ‘throw away’ the frustration and stress this Skyscale collection has put me through, and focus on alts and leveling them up to 80 (or use the two Level 80 boosters I have).
Problem with those boosters, is.. I don’t want to use them for THIS. I want to only use them for different reasons, not for “I need you fuck to do this specific heart event to help my main”. It feels like such a waste, only to make alts, and boost them up, for one specific purpose and then have no more fucking use for them.
It feels like a waste, that I cannot replace easily. The only other way to get these boosters
is 2,000 Gems each on the BLTC.

Now I do have Beniee, my Ranger, still. My first character. He’s in retirement. …But I don’t feel like getting him out of retirement JUST for this! I don’t want to have to relearn his abilities, just for this damn Skyscale. ..THIS SHOULDN’T BE REQUIRED to do it
But all the bitching and whining isn’t going to make ArenaNet listen to me. They hardly listen to their playerbase anyway. And it just amazes me, still, how the playerbase just doesn’t seem to care! Why in the fuck do they just accept this BS?!?! It’s like Wurm all over again! Not everyone can just ‘Netflix and grind’!
I feel like uninstalling the game. I just… I have no reason to play anymore. All of this is just too much. I thought I was going to be done with this BS.. only for the BS to finally ‘kick into full gear’ with items I cannot normally farm for. Fucking unfarmable currency!!

But I cannot. As much as I want to say “fuck it, I’m done. Congratulations ArenaNet, you just lost another one.”… Kovo and Nova want to help me with it, against my wishes of not wanting help for something so pathetic. Honestly, the mount really isn’t worth all of this effort the game asks of people.
And I knew this, when I did that ‘test drive’ in Dragonfall. That fucking, useless ‘flight
range’ bar! And all people say is “you’ll get used to it”?! I’d love to take whatever drug you fuckers are on that makes you immune to ArenaNet’s BS.
You know, I had a funny thought. Of comparing WoW to GW2 with flying mounts. Who can properly go by the music of The Neverending Story all the way through the song.

WoW: *beautiful, because you can fly from zone to zone in a straight line*
GW2: *never makes it to the first vocal part without the mount being forced to descend*
It’s sad. Really is. I mean I get why they did it, but come ON! If you’re going to make it ridiculous like this, then balance the requirements to fit with it! Don’t make us jump through fiery hoops, for how little of a reward you get at the end!
WoW’s flying mount requirements were properly balanced for what you get! Yeah you went through hell, but it felt worth it! Plus, I had to do this on multiple characters, to help them out! …Not to help just one of my characters!!
But you could argue “once you get it on one character, it’s unlocked on all of your characters.”.. that means NOTHING to me, when the characters become USELESS!! If I’m going to create them just to help ME get the Skyscale, they become useless. Plus I’ll be out of Level 80 boosters.

Guess what I’m trying to say is: don’t bother with the Skyscale, or the Roller Beetle. It ain’t worth the torture I had to go through. Yeah, sure it’s cool to have a flying mount, but wake the fuck up and realize what hell you’re going to have to go through.
ArenaNet doesn’t fuck around. They’re sadists. They enjoy causing pain. And they more than likely won’t give a fuck if I leave or not, for they got more than enough mindless drones who accept the grind.
But you could say “Benie, you just said you got your friends. Just wait for them”. …It isn’t going to help, as I just remembered all of this currency is BoA (Bind on Account). Aka it cannot be shared with other players. So I either have to wait up to two months to collect all the resources, or use alts as slave labor.

But I came up with an even better ‘idea’… uninstall the fucking game!!
I don’t want the mount anymore, nor do I want to see anyone with it. I’m glad they managed to stay sane, and patient. Me? I feel I’ve more then done enough effort for this mount, but the game doesn’t think so. So I don’t think playing this game is worth it anymore.
I just… the word I’m thinking of that explains my extreme disappointment with ArenaNet over this, feels it doesn’t exist. This.. this ruined the fucking game for me!! It ‘helped revitalize’ that severe distrust I have with game companies, for they WILL SCREW YOU EVERY CHANCE THEY GET!!! ..But can I really blame ArenaNet, or myself for trusting them to be fair with their mount requirements? Or wanting an ‘endgame mount’ according to Kovo?

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