An unconventional way to show your love to someone in VRChat

Trying to think of how best to explain this one. But it started a few nights ago when I was cuddling with BlueBio in Kovo’s world. Kovo’s there, saying to me that I need to do a body pillow of Blue. Blue said he was going to do one of me, and do a new prone animation of it.
I thought he was joking. We had gone to the main MMD world that night where Blue was sitting down in that sexy pose. Decided to get a pic of him, while he got one of me.
He told me he was going to try to use Photoshop to the best of his abilities.

And the next night…

…he actually did it. Oh. my. lord! *hides face in shame* I.. don’t know what to say! Noone has ever done anything like this for me before. WOW! And the comments have been, well interesting to say the least. As in, noone’s harassed me over it; they actually feel it’s really cute and I should feel honored.
So I decided to do the same thing for him (but better); completely cutting out the background to only have him in it. And this is the result..

Overall, it’s not bad. Scaling the image in GIMP was an absolute nightmare (over not knowing how to quickly scale a layer).
I would likely do versions of cola and Red Fox. Red should be easy (got a few pretty interesting pics of him). And cola, I’m actually going to need Kovo’s ‘help’ for that (as cola had sent him very interesting pics a few months ago).
I would have to set up two versions of the ‘BTD Body Pillow’ version– one with Red and one with Cola (as I’ve pretty much used up all of the emote slots for BTD.. except for FINGERPOINT, but I need that for booping people on the nose. 😛 ).

And now Red Fox has one. 🙂

It was actually easier to do. Was all a matter of fine tuning the layer to go over the existing one. Did show him it, and he absolutely loves it.
As for cola’s pillow, it’s taking time. Cola wants to help me out with it, but he needs Playspace Mover to work right (it won’t reset when he presses the correct buttons). I have an alternate means, but I’m concerned that he won’t approve of it (as it would be a picture that he took for Kovo).

Finally I discovered (via Blender), the pillow actually has bones (four of them). So I added a dynamic bone to not make the pillow like a brick, and actually did what I could to try and make it move like my standard head pillow.

EDIT (8/13/19): I now have pics of Cola to do a body pillow of him. And, let’s just say I got more than I expected, and it’s going to be very hard trying to find just one image for the front. I actually feel kind of… uncomfortable doing so. They’re just..

Such sexy. :O Even though this is what I asked for, it feels like the old saying of “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it”. Eventually I’ll work up the nerve to do this.

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