Doing that thing Kovo suggested

How I love not being able to think of a good title, depending on my mood. And my mood is kind of ‘meh’ right now, knowing the ‘fun’ of posing models in Unity. I still remember the ‘fun’ I had posing Wuffer’s avatar to hug my horn (the first time I was ever able to show my true love for someone). The ‘fun’ came from the model not posing when in Play mode.
I hope to not have this issue again, as none of the three I love are Dutchies.

First off, Red Fox sent me a challenge of sorts (due to the fact his ears are different than a Best Boi’s). The challenge is finding out how he did his ears. Little did I know the challenge would be even more so. Made another new project folder just for this, and I’m glad I
did (as this thing contains ProBuilder, that program who I blame for corrupting my worlds and making me no longer interested in world building).
And when finding where Red Fox’s avatar is (no scene file by the way), it looked like this;

Where’s the pointy fox ears, hmm? He sent me pretty much his entire project folder, I expected to see his pointy fox ears. So yeah, the challenge is here.. the challenge of not having his settings (as he’s offline). I also noticed (much later), the whiskers are
Going by pictures I took of him, I selected the ears and actually managed to rotate both 180* without any sign of texture bending. Very surprised how well it worked.

Still doesn’t look right, though. Back to work.

About 20 or so minutes later (with more rotating, shrinking the ear size, and pushing the ears into the head), I have this to show off.
However I’m not really a fan of them.

Something IMO just looks.. off. I think they look too much like cat ears instead of fox ears. However its as close as I can get (without it being completely accurate with the transform settings of his ears).

EDIT: I got his settings, including his ‘whiskers’ (that are a bunch of very small, elongated capsules).
Thought “I got this!” Used the picture of his right ear, set the settings..

Uhh. What?? What happened?! Red was on thankfully and I showed him a similar pic to this (but with his copied settings). He was as confused as I was, then said “wait.. I think I can help fix this”. Ten minutes later, he tells me to open up a scene file in his Assets
folder (that I never saw).
Did so..

Well well well, there’s the scene file I was looking for all along.
So yeah, this is really cool, but it presents a real problem. Since Unity is being a bitch and won’t retain the settings from this scene to a new one.. how in the FUCK is this idea of Kovo’s going to work?! WHY are the settings DIFFERENT?! UGH!!
DAMN you, Unity!!! D:{
All I can think of, is take a bunch of screenshots and do my best to make the ears (and the whiskers) just like they are in the scene, and then copy those settings to help me.
I shall get back to you folks if I succeed or fail at this task. The reason why I need to do
this (instead of moving his scene file to my project folder), is the models have to be generic for the posing to work without issue.

So it took 2+ hours, and this is what I have.

This is the closest I can get with the pics I took. I also (very thankfully) was able to
copy-paste his ‘whiskers’ in without incident.
So Red Fox’s avatar is (nearly) ready for posing! At least ready enough for me to move to the second part of this (with a slightly unfortunate thing)…

Cola’s ‘Jager 2.0’ skin (who uses a custom-shaped tail). I don’t have his avatar, so I don’t know how to recreate it.. so it won’t look like his avatar. Boo. 😛
But all there’s left is to get the Chibi Dragon model (and slap BlueBio’s skin on it), then it’ll be time to do something with my avatar (BenieTheDragon 3.0). And (hopefully), I think I can simply create a dupe of the model Erodac sent me and use it as the posing doll (to not mess up my main avatar), then move the attachments (horns/wings/etc) over.

But the main hell actually went to getting the Chibi Dutchie model installed. It isn’t like others I’ve downloaded (mostly everything gets thrown into the Assets folder).
The hell was seeing A: There are no dynamic bones in the main model. And B: Having to ask BlueBio for texture changes he did for the fluff. After getting them, I think it’s time for a break of the hell I went through with Red Fox’s ears.
Tomorrow, I’ll be slowly putting the plan into fruition. Been coming up with a few ideas in my head of how the pose would look like. Thinking of myself being in the middle, with Red Fox on my left side and Cola on my right, and then BlueBio hanging onto my horn while noming it.
Want to get this plan done before the time Insanely gets back from his vacation (in three days from now).

EDIT2: Decided to get back to work as it’s a pretty slow early Friday morning. The latest SDK almost broke Kovo’s world (the mirrors though set to Local, apparently can be toggled on and off by anyone). Plus, BlueBio has work to do late in the morning and sadly can’t cuddle with me tonight. 🙁
I have no cuddle buddies. I sad. :/ Anyway, let’s get back to work on this project.
So after moving the scene I created to set Red Fox’s ears, I tried also moving the whiskers between scene files (as you cannot do it between project folders for some dumb reason). After one failed attempt of missing textures, I was able to paste it in fully intact. And on a surprising stroke of luck.. somehow his settings (not mine) for the ears actually work in this new pose scene file.
…Why, did they not work before? This also filled me with pure dread; something I’m hoping I can avoid (of when I’m done, copying all four posed models and pasting them completely intact into my main BTD avatar lineup).

EDIT3, 8/2/19: Wide awake and ready to get back to work again. What I need to do
today (before I begin posing the four models) is this;

Getting BlueBio’s Chibi Dutchie skin fully on (using the colors he told me he has
changed), including (hopefully) moving the Villar eye track settings over.

All the colors are now set for him. The process was fairly easy (using the existing colors and then setting the HEX code that Blue provided.
Now to do the eye tracking. Wish me luck…

And done! That actually went better than expected. Had to make a dupe of the eye shader to keep from messing with BTD’s eyes (standard procedure).
Now I thought it wasn’t possible to turn the existing ‘eyes’ into Villar eyes.. glad I was wrong there as it definitely is! Not to mention it prevented a headache from having to put the eyes in myself.
With the pics I took, I was able to easily move the tracking settings over, and he’s ready for posing!

Now, comes the REAL ‘fun’; posing the models! Especially when this ‘delightful’ thing is happening.

#UnityLogic of anything attached to the bone acting like the actual bone. And so that’s where I’m stuck until Acid helps me by making a new version where these attachments are part of the model.

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