Two upcoming Impalongs. Will I go, will I stay?

It’s been awhile since I posted in here, as most of you know that it’s been quite a crazy month in my real life. And with the fact it’s been so crazy, I’ve been too tired to really say what’s been going on.
The only thing I can say, is I actually played Astroneer with a few friends (for a few days). But we’ve stopped doing that for reasons unknown to me. Well, the only reason I know, is myself getting a bit bitter after one of these friends knew so much more about the game than I did. That’s not the problem, though. It’s the fact he used his knowledge to do nearly everything (leaving me with nothing to do). I wanted to help, but I didn’t want to get in the way. I didn’t want to say anything, because I felt it would be too ‘whiny’.
Earlier in the day, I tried to get them to do a new world, and.. well, we stopped playing it after the next day. I just wanted to do this on a level playing field, even saying “we should put our heads together” (instead of one guy doing everything).

*shrug* Whatever. No big deal. Maybe we’ll do it again one of these days. Who knows.

Anyway, enough filler content, I have some Wurm news. There are two impalongs coming, with one coming in November (happening in Xanadu) and the other coming in December (happening in Inde). So just to be clear, there are no Impalongs happening next
month…. well, I could do a private ‘Impalong’ of imping my stuff (mid-month, possibly).

But as it currently stands, I’m on the fence about attending either of these. RL issues (health), and if WMR becomes quite addicting (yes, I hope to get it sometime next month, or November) could come into play.
And that’s about it. Sorry I don’t have any more to say.

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