So many games, dunno which to buy/play

I’m sure most of you gamers have gone through this scenario, with so many good games out there yet not knowing what to buy (let alone play). I’m kind of bored with Wurm (and exploration in it) right now. Plus as I said I need the to recover and prepare for the final server (Xanadu). It won’t be as quick that the other servers have been.
I’m also waiting for the next (hopefully) major Astroneer update this month.

I’ve been pretty much playing anything that suits my fancy. A few days ago (after finally getting into my PS4 and discovering that dust isn’t the issue with it sounding like a 747 taking off when on load), I was playing Darksiders II: Deathinfinite Edition (which was free last month on PS+). Its RPG elements(including stats on armor), I’m not really a fan of. Though it’s still a great game, with.. holy hell, Dark Souls-like boss battles (with the thing constantly in your face). They are quite challenging (and fun.., yes I said ‘fun’).

This month’s PS+ games are two games I’ve recently rented (and completed) from Gamefly: Knack and RiME. In addition, I’ll be getting Dishonored: Death of The Outsider soon’ish.

Dan showed off three amazing games;
Freeways | This is right up my alley when it comes to Interstates and shit like that. It’s a 2D game, where you make roads connecting to several areas. These lines can be highways and interstates, and you have to make it as efficient as humanly possible.
Think of it like a 8-bit, 2D Bridge Simulator.
Megaton Rainfall | A game I won’t be buying anytime soon (with my current hardware), but holy fuck this game. You can pretty much be Superman (in 1st person), and save humanity from invaders of a lifesize ratio of Earth). The trick is to use your God-like superpowers responsibly(which Dan clearly does not). Complete missions and unlock new superpowers, including one that allows you to leave the Milky Way (and visit systems in other galaxies). All planets are landable as well.
That is SO BADASS!! 😀 Eat your heart out, One Man’s Lie.
Tracks – The Train Set Game (Vid 1 / 2) | Dan first talked about this in May of 2017(see Vid 1), when it was in Alpha. It’s now in Beta, and looks a lot better. Start with a straight piece and build a simple loop, or a sprawling network out of simple wood, then enter 1st person and drive on it. Build towns, bridges, tunnels and stations, and actually have passengers board and exit your wooden train.

That final game is something I can’t get my mind off of. It’s simple, yet feels so chill and relaxing (especially when your life is stressful). It’s very easy to get started, and even build your first town. The only real limits are your imagination (and of course how big you can make your rail network).
Plus the $10 pricetag is very tempting. However, from what feels dirt cheap compared to the high quality and fun this game would give me, I also feel the $10 can go on far more important things (such as saving up for that new hardware).

There’s also another game I’ve been thinking of, yet at the same time also wondering if it’s ‘a good idea’ to even play it again. It’s not an EA game or anything like that, but a game I stopped playing a few months ago.
If you guessed Minecraft (namely Age of Engineering), you would not be incorrect. Like, OK. So I’ll just watch the rest of Dire’s videos and make notes of what to do. Easy-peasy. Yet I keep being reminded on just how ‘awesome’ my base looks, and how I said that eventually I would put myself into a corner and not know how to get out.
I wish I could look into the future, and see if I’m able to complete this pack.

…And finally, there’s the cancerous VR CHAT, home of Ugandan Knuckles, trying to “know da wae”. Even if you don’t have an expensive piece of hardware strapped to your head (that also recommends lots of space to move around), you can still play (for free).
Yes, it’s a F2P game. Though from what I’ve seen, it’s primarily a way for content creators to get views on YouTube.

And that’s about it for me. Quite curious to see what games this year gives us.

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