Age of Engineering is more grindy than challenging

When I’m not doing reviews or playing other games, I’m playing a Modded Minecraft pack that’s not like your usual pack. It has a progression system, based on (what I believe) of the actual era of stone tools to automated machinery IRL.
With that said, there has been a lot of changes to a lot of recipes to make them more expensive. And certain mods can only be used on a certain age.
Here are some examples;
-You cannot ore double ’till you make a Macerator. It’s not possible to smelt ores with a furnace. And the Smeltry from Tinkerers’ Construct also cannot ore double.
-You’re required to make a nuclear reactor from IC2 in order to get Basalt, before you can go to the Deep Dark.
-Bee and Tree Breeding (Dire’s favorite things) is a requirement before being able to use EnderIO.
-The Macerator from IC2 requires 8 diamonds.
-Creative flying isn’t allowed ’till the final age (where by then it’s kind of pointless as you’ll be done with the pack).
-You actually have to make steel in order to have Steel & Flint to get to the Nether.
-Age 11 seems to be the most interesting age, with Advanced Rocketry being the focus.
-If you thought making Greenhouse glass from Actually Additions was hard before, you’re now required to make a Peat Bog Farm from Forestry.
-Some recipes of the Empowerer from Actually Additions require upwards of 12M RF/T in order to craft that item.
-The modpack has a ‘Mining World’ which can be crafted and accessed on the first age. It’s a flatworld that’s eternally day. It’s recommended to set up your base in it.
-Instead of getting 15 Transfer Pipes from a single craft (from Extra Utilities), you only get 1 per craft.

IMO, the pack is more grindy than it is challenging, as it’s manual mining-centered. Right now, fuel is the main concern. I keep running out of tiny coal(yes, tiny coal is a thing) having to use furnaces to smelt processed ore from the Macerator.
Its fuel is all Coal Coke (as it burns longer), leaving regular coal for the furnaces (which is lessening the coal coke fuel I’m able to produce).
Luckily I can make something like a Batbox to act as a buffer, where I won’t need as much fuel being burned.

I have a feeling that I would likely quit before I complete the pack. I don’t know when, but I do know that there’s no shame in doing so.

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