“Sometimes, if you want something done. You got to do it yourself.”

This has been one of my main focuses when it comes to a Multiplayer game. I don’t like it when people offer their help to me, because there’s always a price tag somewhere. Even when someone says “if you need anything else, feel free to ask” I feel “alright, how much is this going to cost me if I ask for it?” Overall, I try to not feel ‘needy’, because it turns into “I want to depend on you to make me things”.

Yet sometimes, I reach a point where I feel I don’t have a choice and require help. For example, I need bricks and mortar made in Wurm. Saint, offered to help. But now, it seems he’s doing everything in his power to avoid doing just that. Though it seems both of us are getting confused here of who owns who. See, I agreed to pay him bricks for assisting..if he financed paying for the deed. He promised he would help me build the deed. Though, the terms of the deal was after the completion of the deed, that I would do the bricks.
Both of these things didn’t happen, except for Saint’s side. I turned down his money, because I feel I couldn’t do it to him(and to found the deed still costed a fortune). Yet, I still expect him to help me. Yet…why should he, when I turned down his offer to finance the deed? I really don’t know why, but I think it’s the fact he talked me into using bricks for walls (which require making mortar).

Saint, hates making bricks. This is why he’s got a friend to do it for him. However, the fact I’m not part of an Alliance (and respected), I’m treated like anyone who’s asking for this type of work done; being charged for the service.
I don’t like making bricks either. It’s very tedious. You have to grab shards, and combine them. The number of shards I need can never add up to the total of bricks I need (to cover for failures). This is what makes it tedious, and not exactly fun gameplay.
…And I’ve reached the point where I’ve gotten so tired of Saint’s excuses (having a real life isn’t one, by the way)..he keeps being busy doing deliveries for people. And it just seems he cares more about money than his friends (even though I would be an acquaintance to him).
I told him to just forget it, and I would just do the work myself. Very tired of the excuses. Though I don’t get why he just couldn’t say “look, I’m not doing the bricks for you. Find someone else. I don’t like doing them, that’s why I have someone else doing them.” Of course I would be utterly shocked of his reaction, but at least the ‘excuses’ will stop (and in a way, I could move on and either do the work myself, or pay someone else to do them).
I will probably do the bricks myself. But the mortar, I’ll possibly have to pay someone to make. That shit is a BITCH to make at low levels (and I rather not even bother grinding it..there are better things to grind).

Besides, Wurm’s core mechanic is supposed to be a simulation of real life, right? So…not everyone is ‘good’ at everything under the sun (aka, I’m not good at making mortar, or rope-making, or tailoring, or cooking, or coal-making…(etc. etc)). And just like in an MMORPG, I refuse to be taught how to do it. 😛
There you go! There’s my excuse.

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