MRT’s 5th Anniversary

First off, enjoying my break from Wurm. If I see another piece of clay, I’m going to go insane. Attended the 5th Anniversary of the MRT today. Had a real blast. There was a parade, balloons, games, everything you could think of for a proper anniversary!!
(The above statement is false (about the Anniversary being fun)…)

What really happened is two events; a self-guided tour, and a few games of Connect 4 at the old Redstone Gaming Center. The first thing, I contributed twice to (as a secret project that happened a few weeks before this day). Godzilltrain asked me to first write down ‘a few paragraphs’ about I-0. ..It nearly turned into myself wanting to write a small novel about the history of the first Intermap of the MRT (though I did my best to trim it down to the important parts).
And due to myself playing Mass Effect Andromeda, I tried to make it where only the new visitors of the server would find it interesting (of this being ‘ancient history’).
I did an about face of the second request, of writing about the MRT Marina (yet ending with “MRT Historians closely guard the secret how this place is still pristine, to this very day”).

And the second was Frumple wanting to try out Connect 4 (to do some ‘casual tournaments’ as he claimed). I decided to just watch the others duel it out, and it was somewhat fun to watch. Twice, of seeing blind moves that gave the opponent the win (with one Stalemate happening). Like this time where one had a chance to win, but blew it by picking the wrong slot..only to lose a few minutes after. Hilarious.

After that, things…just went back to normal. I kept asking if there’s any more activities, and I keep having my question ignored. Decided to leave, and here I am writing this post to tell you about it.
Overall, it was better than last year. I just expected more to mark five years since the server launched. Not even a Spleef Tournament. Quite upsetting, but oh well. I hope to live long enough to see the 10th year (in 2022). I pray it will be better. Then again, who’s to say the server will last that long? What will happen if something happens to Frumple in five years?
But let’s just not think that. For what it’s worth, this was ‘OK’ for the 5th year.

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