Checking out ME:A’s 1.08 changes (Spoiler: They aren’t good)

I’m nearly done with the main story arc (literally about to do the final mission), and Patch 1.08 has been released. The main addition to this short list, is the player not only has a ‘few’ more customization options, but they can re-customize their Ryder in the Tempest’s Med Bay.
However, I have to criticize here. Now this hasn’t really hit me until now, but all of this time, there’s never been any customization. This is making our Ryder look like a generic NPC. Even before this patch, this has happened.
Want proof? Look at hairstyle #21. Tell me this doesn’t look EXACTLY like Addison’s hair.
This is very upsetting. We give them a chance(well at least I did), and they still let us down. Sure some of you are blaming SJWs over this. Re-using old hairstyles =/= customization. I want to see them MAKE new hairstyles (and eye type), not recycle what they already have. This is NOT an MMO, damnit (though in irony, I can make my character look more like me in an MMO than I can in this game)!!
Hell, even some MMOs have more customization options than this game!

Alright, what’s left in this li– what the fuck. Now the male Ryder has a romance option with Jaal. Wow. Instead of doing something useful like being able to skip lengthy cutscenes, they do this. I guess it’s proven that ‘sex sells’. Taking what people liked out of the ME series and making it a main feature.

The other features are pretty small, apart from a few changes with vendors selling augments. And of course, there’s a much longer list for Multiplayer than Single Player.
I’m trying to give this game a chance, but it’s refusing to allow it. Bet the ending is going to suck, and the boss is going to be like a piece of paper falling over. Though I will admit, I’ve had a few tough battles (even on the easiest difficulty). Yet most of them aren’t even related to bosses (just enemies able to get through my shields pretty quickly).

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