The Last Guardian ‘completed…?’, thoughts

*sigh*’s over. ….Or is it? Apparently, I got an ‘alternate ending’. Aka, I think the game broke (possibly at the best time). Instead of experiencing the true ending, no additional cutscene happened and now we’re up here with..nothing going on, just walking on this huge platform.
Can I call this a completion? In my opinion, yes!

True Ending VS, this

The true ending, is Trico… dies by being ripped apart by his own kind, and the kid manages to destroy the control orb and ‘frees’ the anti-guardians. They snap out of it, realize what they’ve done and go to commit suicide by either plummeting or falling off the edge. The boy is forced to say goodbye to Trico. And…this is where the waterworks kick in.

However, in this glitched ‘ending’, the anti-guardians are never summoned. Trico lives and stays with the boy, being best friends forever (happy thoughts).
Though I have my own continuation of this ending. Trico helps the boy destroy the mind control device, which summons the anti-guardians. But instead of them being hostile, they become friendly with the boy (for having saved them) and also with Trico. He’s welcomed back with his kind.
Sadly, the boy realizes Trico wants to be with his own kind, but helps the boy to go back to his village. The two say goodbye, and all of the guardians fly off.

Happily ever after. The end. Great game!’s cheesy, but it’s better than crying my heart out. I hate sad endings, especially ones like this.


This is truly the best way to end this game. Time to send it back to Gamefly.
Now, do I feel like it’s worth your time? Hmm. Yes, and No. The sudden FPS drops into the teens, does kill the immersion. And the story is given to you as you play the game (which some reviewers wouldn’t like, as they rather play the first 20 or so minutes to learn everything they can about a game).
But as I said, over and over, the bond between this once deadly beast and an unnamed boy, is super powerful. Trico looks extremely believable, and something you just wanna hug.
Erm..sorry. But that’s how I feel about him. The fact he howls when the boy runs away from him (and he can’t get to him), is just so..adorable. He really loves the boy, and doesn’t want to see him get hurt (like a true guardian).

Anyway, now I can go over the theories I have about the game. These are my own theories, by the way.

Game Theories

Alright, now that I can have spoilers, I’m going to explain the backstory (and possibly the entire game).
First, Trico was one of the ‘anti-guardians’ told to swallow and deliver a small boy to be sacrificed, to some ancient alien civilization. He failed to do so (being struck by lighting) and was found as an outcast. The suits of armor (also controlled by these alien beings) chained him and put him in a pit, where he was left for dead.

The boy saved Trico’s life. And Trico saw the boy wasn’t a sacrifice, but a friend, where he became ‘the last guardian’. Which means, these creatures were possibly once friendly to humans, being their guardians. Then, they mysteriously turned on them. Yet nothing to back this theory is ever shown in the game (to my knowledge). Maybe it’s in the ending, but I don’t have the guts to fully watch it. I feel I’m going to need a box of tissues ready…

With the boy and Trico now working together, watching eachothers backs (with them being best friends), the suits of armor have been trying to capture the boy to complete the sacrifice. And as for the glyphs that seem to slow the player’s ability to control the boy, got me on that one.
Later in the game, since the suits of armor have failed several times to capture the boy, the aliens are using Trico’s own kin to kill him (for betraying the aliens). It isn’t until the ending…when they finally do it (and quite brutally, ripping him limb from limb…fucking hell, WHY?! WHY!!!).


And that’s all I can say. It’s a good game, but it could had been optimized more. But…..mmm, I can’t help shake this feeling that I ‘fucked up’, and should had experienced the real ending. But from what I remember… it’s just too painful to do so.
I feel I should had restarted to make sure the ending happened, yet another side of me feels “it’s OK. This new “unfinished” ending is much better! Maybe this is what the devs wanted to happen!”
Wow. This game. It truly is an emotional rollercoaster, even when I put the controller down. I’m hoping that by playing another game (like playing Minecraft again) will get me over this strange feeling.

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