Possibly restarting video production today / Another game

Two things here. First off, the extraction site is healing nicely. Thank you for your kind emails of getting better soon. It means a lot, and lets me know you guys really do care about what I’m doing, and understand that health always comes first.

I don’t have to put a gauze in my mouth anymore, thanks to putting teabags in my mouth instead(dentist told me to). They helped what was left of the bleeding. Because of this, I feel I should be OK enough to start recording videos again. My speech might be a bit slurred; still recovering from the dentist. So, just warning you. But I’ll do my best to be as clear as I can.

On top of that, I may or may not be getting ‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’ in the mail today from Gamefly(depending if they deliver on the weekend). This game (I feel) is going to be fun to review, and I might even buy it (it’s $24 compared to $60 on retail).
Dan likes it, so I might. Then again I might not. But how can you not like a guy with two longswords (that are also upgradable)?

Anyway, even if I don’t get the game ’till Monday (which is more likely), I’ll still be reviewing the first of the two free PS+ games for the PS4.

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