The Q3 numbers are in… after this, no more numbers

This is of course, WoW-related. The Q3 numbers are finally in! So.. heelz thought LAST month at this time, the Q3 numbers were going to come in. Instead, it turned into THIS month.
10 seconds into the video, he has a chart of the current numbers. It seems… the WoW Token, the news about Legion, or the promise of “Valor coming back” helped to majorly stabilize the hard decline… to 5.5 million subscribers. That’s still a far cry from what it was when WoD launched.

This means WoW has pretty much lost half of its subscriber base. Half. These are numbers back in 2006, when WoW was in Vanilla…
If you were to calculate how many they lost between Q2 to Q3, they’re only gone down 100,000. Yet that’s not really anything compared of Q1 to Q2.
Some people feel these numbers could had possibly been made up by Blizzard themselves, to make us think they aren’t hurting. To be honest, I’m a bit surprised of them. Whatever Blizzard did, definitely helped with that sharp decline.

However, there is a really bad, childish thing they’re going to be doing. They will no longer reveal the subscription numbers after this. The reason is even worse than the announcement of this. It’s the same bullshit that’s happened since the beginning; not able to defend their product. Not able to give us non-Apexis soloable content. And now they do this.
They no longer see you as a customer.. they see you as a dollar bill who’s desperate enough to get their WoW fix. This is the SAME thing I ranted about earlier. And now it seems what I said, is sadly coming out.

Point is.. Blizzard have pretty much said “Fuck WoD, we gave up. We did it to shut the whiny kids up about MoP and Pandas. Legion now!” And who’s to say that Legion isn’t going to turn into a pile of shit as well?
The fact we’ll never again see their subscription numbers (instead hearing them lie to the stockholders), this is pretty much hammering the final nail in the coffin for WoW. Yet I also refuse to say “WoW is DEAD!” It’s dying on its hospital bed, not dead.

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